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               It was morning & all of the vampires were fast asleep

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It was morning & all of the vampires were fast asleep. Jt , Lydia & Chan met up in the woods outside of the vampires castle.
"Ok so first we take care of these vamps" Jt said
Lydia & Chan nods.
"Thanks goodness their sleeping" Lydia said
"Well that was the whole point why we're doing this in the daytime" Jt says
They begin to pour gasoline all over the castle. After gasoline filled the outside of the castle Jt takes the lighter out his pocket.
"Goodbye bloodsuckers"
He lights the match & throws it at the house.
"Let's go" ! He shouts
They ran away out the castle gates. The castle begin to burn in flames. Cupcake wakes up & sniffs.
"What's burning?! Moonlight wake up" !
"What ? What's going on" ?
"Something's burning" ?
He sniffs. "Oh my gosh"
Both hopped out the bed & ran downstairs.They seen flames.
"Everybody wake upppppp the house is on fire" !! Moonlight screams
Cupcake was coughing. Ava, Brice , Serp & JackJack was running out their rooms gasping & coughing.
"Oh my gosh what's happening" ?! Ava shouts
"Our castle is literally on fire" ! Cupcake screams
Everybody was coughing.
"How are we gonna go outside?! It's daylight" ! Brice said
"Everybody quickly cover up" Moonlight said
Everybody slipped on all black long sleeve outfits , shades & face masks & grabbed umbrellas,
Jt & the crew was watching the castle burst into flames.
"Come on we gotta go get those wolfs! I got the silver bullets & guns ready" !
They hopped in Jt car & sped off down the street.

Everybody was gasping & coughing while they struggled to get out the castle. The flames was increasing & pieces of the castle was falling apart. Suddenly a piece of the ceiling came down on Serps leg.
"Ahhhhhh" !!! She screams
"SERPENTINE" ! Brice shouts
"Oh no" !! Cupcake screams
"Y'all go! I will save her" ! Brice said
"We ain't leaving you man" ! Moonlight shouts
"No Moonlight get her outta her , she's pregnant" !
"Brice no" !! Moonlight says
"GO" ! He demands
Moonlight picks Cupcake up & runs out the castle. JackJack & Ava runs out too. Everybody was gasping & coughing. It took all Brice strength to get that that wood off her legs.
"Ahhhhhh" she winces in pain
"It's ok baby i gotchu" !! Brice says
"Brice I don't wanna die" she cries out
"I won't let that happen" ! He shouts

The flames we're getting stronger & stronger. Moonlight , Cupcake , Ava & JackJack glared at the castle as tears filled their eyes.
"Oh my gosh please come on" Cupcake cries out

In the meantime Jt , Lydia & Chan was sneaking around the wolfs mansion, They held onto their guns, ready to strike.

"Aye Moonlight is calling me, let me see what my boy wants"
Stephan answers the phone.
"What's up" ?
"We're in trouble man , our castle is burning up, we don't know what caused the fire" !
"Oh no , oh shit! We on the way" !!
"What's happening" ? Prim asked
"The vamps castle is on fire" !!
"Oh my gosh , no fuckin way" ! Prim said
"Oh shit that's horrible" ! Qt said
"Oh nooooo" Angel said
All of the werewolf's headed out the house , but they stopped in their tracks because Jt , Lydia & Chan was aiming & cocking their silver bullet guns at them.
"What in the fuck" ? Stephan said
"Ain't yall those people at the music fest"? Prim asked
"Yep& we've come to kill y'all! We already took care of your little vamp friends" ! Jt said
"Yall caused that fire" ?! Stephan asked
"Ha! We sure did & now we're gonna shoot y'all with these silver bullets we got" !

Brice walks out as he holds Serp in his arms.
"Oh thank God" ! Cupcake says
Everybody ran towards them. Brice was so weak, but he saved her& that's all that matters. He drops to his knees & takes a deep breath.
"Bro I thought I lost you" Moonlight says
"Nah nigga I'm still here" He says wit a smile
He hugs him. Cupcake & Ava hugs Brice & Serp.
"Bestieeee are you ok" ?? Cupcake says
"My left leg broke, but I'll be alright" she says
Serp looks over at Brice "you saved me"
"Of course I was gonna save you , you my baby girl"
He kisses her lips softly.She kisses him back & smiles.
"Aye let me call Stephan back & tell him everybody made it out safely" Moonlight said

Stephan hears his phone ringing.
"You better not answer that" ! Jt demands
"It's really important" !
"Fine answer it, but you better not try anything funny" !
Stephan slowly reaches for his phone & answers it.
"We made it out safe"
"So happy to hear that , but aye we in trouble" he whispers
"Huh ? Stephan what you talking about" ?
"Da nigga Jt from the music fest got me & crew held up at gun point& I'm assuming they using silver bullets , so we at a stand still right now & we need your gang help"
"Oh shit you know we on the way" !
"Him & his friends are the one that set your castle on fire"
"Oh well this is fuckin war, we will be their soon, stall that bitch"
"Will do"

"Aye gang the wolf crew is in trouble, we gotta help em" Moonlight says
"What's happening" ? Cupcake asked
"I'll explain everything on the way"

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