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          Cupcake and the crew walked in McDonald's

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Cupcake and the crew walked in McDonald's. It was so packed tonight. People was eating & talking at the tables & waiting in line.
"We rich, but bitch I'm craving some McDonald's" Cupcake says
"Shoot me too" Ava said
"It don't matter to me, I eats what the fuck I want" Serpentine says
"Should we buy the whole menu" ? Brice asked
"Let's do it" JackJack said
"I sho need me some nuggets wit some blood on the side , you feelz me bro" Moonlight said
"I feelz you bro" JackJack said
"Mhmm dip that li nugget in that fresh blood & you got a good thing goin" Brice said
Everybody walked in line.
"Ooh it's packed" Cupcake says
"Tell me bout it bitch" Ava said
Suddenly howling was being heard. Of course it was Stephan & the wolfs , they was racking in. Everybody was looking at them so crazy. But you can honestly see the fear in their faces.
"Oh lord look" Cupcake said
"Mhm I see em" Moonlight said
"Cool party last night" Prim said kind of low
"Uhhh thanks" Cupcake said wit a slight grin
"You seen our party on insta live" ? Ava asked
She nods.
"Oh wow ok"
"Uh Prim what are you doing" ? Stephan said
"Being nice , making small talk for a change"
He rolls his eyes.
"Dog" Moonlight says
"Blood sucker" Stephan says
"Chill" Brice said
It was finally the vamps turn to order.The cashier was so ghetto & hood. You can already tell she had a stank attitude.

"Hello what can I Uh get y'all" ? She was  chewing her gum like a horse & blowing bubbles & flashing her nails "Everything on the menu" Cupcake said "Say what now" ? "I said everything on the menu""Yall gon b heya foe a lil min doe""Huh" ?! "I say...

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"Hello what can I Uh get y'all" ? She was chewing her gum like a horse & blowing bubbles & flashing her nails
"Everything on the menu" Cupcake said
"Say what now" ?
"I said everything on the menu"
"Yall gon b heya foe a lil min doe"
"Huh" ?!
"I say y'all gon be hur a lil min doe"
She blows a bubble & pops it.
"What she saying" ? Ava asked
"Gurl I don't know, I think she speaking wtfnese"
Everybody laughs.
"Ya making fun of my lingo or whet? Cuz ion gotta order dis food rite hur"
Everybody laughed again.
"What's your name" ? Cupcake asked
"Oh ok sweetie , can you put our meals in we starving"
She makes a stank face & rolls her eyes "dah will be $100 & 56 cent"
"Uhhhhh you ain't gotta make that face & say it like that"
"Gurl" She makes the face again
"Lady why is you doing all that , just order the food" Moonlight said
"Niggabitch what you mean doing all det& i juz order yo food TF"
She chews her gum vigorously.
"Did you just call my husband a nigga bitch trick" ?!
"Ohhhh shit what's going on" ? Stephan said
"A whole lotta drama boo" Prim said
"Ooooooh yes, cause a scene in this bitch" ! Qt said

"Trick ?! Who you calling a trick , BITCH, I'll com over dis counter & whoop yo li ass" !
"Is that what you think" ?
"Yea I'll whoop your ass , but you lucky I just got my nails done bitchhhhh" !
Cupcake suddenly rips her fingers off. Blood gushed everywhere.She looks down at her fingers & screams uncontrollably & hysterically.
"Their not done anymore"
"Here's some French fries doggies" !
Cupcake throws her fingers at the wolfs & they tackled & gobbled them up. Everybody was running & screaming out the McDonald's.

"We ain't come here for the McDonald's food anyways , we come here for what's eating the McDonald's food" ! Stephan says as he cackles evilly & growls
"Attttackkkkkkkkkk" !!! Qt screams
All of the vampires & Wolfs was killing everybody in the McDonald's. Moonlight & Stephan was attacking the cooks in the back. Cupcake & Prim was attacking some of the people at the tables. Brice & Qt was chasing after people. Ava & Angel was killing people in the bathrooms. Jack Jack & Serp was jumping off the counter & biting anybody that passed by. Blood & flesh covered the place & the cops was pulling up.
"FUCK THEM COPS, THEY FINNA GET GOT TOO" !!! Moonlight screams
The cops was tryna shoot , but was being attacked on sight. They was biting& clawing at their ass& grabbing their own guns & shooting them in the face wit it.

But like Everybody was so fired up they started fighting each other. Vamps Vs Wolfs. They was taking their hate & anger out on each other now. Everybody was growling, tussling , biting & clawing at each other. And it wasn't no such thing as someone stronger, because they all was strong bad bitches & they both was getting the best of each other. Moonlight was fighting Stephan. Cupcake was fighting Prim. Ava & Serpentine was fighting Angel & Brice & JackJack was fighting Qt. Everybody was fucking each other up. Prim suddenly falls on the ground. Cupcake falls on the ground. She glared all around at everybody wit sadness.
"EVERYBODY STOP" !!!!!! She screams
Everybody stopped in their tracks & glanced a Cupcake.
"We are only fighting because we are still stuck in the pass & this shit ain't finna get us nowhere ...it's actually exhausting to know every time we see each other we're gonna fight & biker & I'm tired, I don't wanna fight anymore, let's not be like our parents, let's be better than our parents , let's be the bigger persons& set a good example for the new generation of monsters...let's do what's right ,because this shit right here is wrong...instead of trying to kill each other, we need to be killing humans & we need to do it together"
Everybody glanced all around at each other.
"Dang your right Cupcake...I think we actually do work good together as a team" Ava said
"Yassss I think so too, we was lit in this bitch " ! Prim said
"Period! We both love killing , & killing together is fun" Serpentine said
"Yassss, I love itttt"Angel said
"Mannn fr we showed out tonight" Brice said
"Yeah we really did" JackJack says
"I guess this was kind of like our bonding time" Serpentine said
"Yeah , it kind of started in the movie theater" Qt said
"We can be just like that movie, we can set aside our differences, burn the past & be best friends" Cupcake said
"I'm so down for that....that's honestly what I've always wanted" Prim said
"Some of us are down for it but ...what about those two stubborn assholes over here"
Cupcake says as she points towards Moonlight & Stephan
They glared at each other for a few mins. Moonlight extends his hand. Stephan does the same & both boys hugged. Everybody clapped & cheered.
"Yayyyy were friends" ! Ava said
Everybody huddled up to hug.
"And Halloween is in a week! we made up just in time" Serpentine said
"Ooooh our favorite holiday" ! Angel said
"It's the big day where everybody celebrates us" ! Brice said
"Everybody is gonna be dressing up as us , but we don't gotta dress up" ! Cupcake said
"Hell naw" Stephan said
"We're gonna throw the best & most littest Halloween party in history" Moonlight said
"Let's call it...the monster mash" ! Cupcake said
"Monster mash! I love it" ! Ava said
"Everybody on 3" JackJack says
Everybody slapped hands.

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