🩸Hello Hollywood🩸

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             The plane was landing & everybody was getting off

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The plane was landing & everybody was getting off.
"The vamps has arrived Hollywood" ! Cupcake says
"Yassss we're finally here" ! Ava says
"Wow it's so beautiful, just like the pics" Cupcake says
"Look at all the big buildings & flashing lights" Serpentine says
"I can't believe I'm here , I feel like I'm actually dreaming" Cupcake says
"It's lit" Moonlight says
"I can smell the blood, all I see is humans,oooooh I wanna bite em all" Jack Jack says
"Slow your roll Jack Jack we just got here" Ava says
"But I want it nowwwww"! He runs towards a random lady & bites her
"Jack Jack" !!
Ava runs & grabs him from off her.
"Oh my neck" !!!
She runs away.
"Oh great now she's gonna be a vampire" Moonlight says
"Sorry, it's the smells & the cravings for me" Jack Jack says
"We will get some blood soon, but let's explore this fabulous city first" !

Everybody jumped in their Uber & sped off down the street. All they could do was smile & admire the beautiful scenery. It looked even better since it was night.

The buildings were tall & lit up

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The buildings were tall & lit up. People was walking up& down the sidewalks & chatting. Restaurants were smelling delicious. Shopping malls were filled with people. The vibe was bright , sexy & rich, so many fresh blood filled mortals ready to be bit & get the life sucked out of them. Cupcake gasps & points at the Hollywood sign. She was so amazed at seeing all of this in person. Everything was gorgeous.

After being in the uber & seeing the scenery. They were dropped off at their hotel. One of the finest & richest hotels in Hollywood, hotel supreme. Once they stepped out of their Uber a group of people was their to greet them & take their bags up to their suits.

Cupcake & Moonlight runs in with excitement.
"Oh my gosh this is beautiful"
"Yeah but it's not as beautiful as our castle back home"
"True, I've been doing some castle hunting online before we came , not too many popped up , but I did see one for 6.5 million dollars , it's gorgeous Moonlight"
"Oh well then it's ours, we will buy it by the end of this week"
She runs towards the window.
"Look at this view, now tell me that isn't the most beautiful thing you've ever seen"
"It's not, because I look at you every day"
Cupcake glances back at him with a cold happy smile& wraps her arms around him.
"Thank you for coming with me"
"Aw well how could I not come? I couldn't let my baby girl be in this big city all by herself"
"Mhm but I'm still a big girl, you know I can take care of myself"
"I'm aware, but who's gonna take care of your body" ?
"A dildo works just fine"
"Oh please"
She laughs "you wanna get outta here & get a midnight snack" ?
"Hell yeah , I've been craving snacks since I arrived, but maybe I'm just a bit more tamed then Jack Jack"
"Ha I know right"
Both walked out the room.

Ava & Jack Jack was chilling in their hot tub with two humans (a man & woman) that they bit necks & killed.

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Straws were inside their necks& they were just a sucking their necks like it was some strawberry martinis

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Straws were inside their necks& they were just a sucking their necks like it was some strawberry martinis.
"Mmmmm delicious" Ava said
"Fuck I was craving this" Jack Jack says
"Rightttttt like whew child"
"Wow , this is the life" Jack Jack says
"Do you think Hollywood is really gonna be our permanent life" ?
"Honestly I don't know , but I guess we will have to see how much we like it"
"Well I'm already loving this blood service"
"Same, I don't think I can get enough of this"
"I wonder what the others are doing" ?
"Something really fuckin bad"
Both laughed.

Serpentine & Brice was on the balcony sniffing a line of coke while they drunk some blood champagne.
Serpentine gets up & looks over the balcony.
"I love to see humans falling over balcony's so I can hear the eargasm crunch of their bones being broke when they hit the cold cement"
Brice laughs "oh it's like music to my ears to hear that& seeing the fresh blood gushing from their brains"
"Ohhh don't get me started on that"
She begin to touch herself.
"The talk of death turns me on , I just can't help myself"
Brice glares at her seductively.
"I like the way you touch yourself"
"Yeah but I think I rather you touch me"

He grabs her & nearly throws her over the balcony as he kisses her neck & traces his fingers down her body. His hands felt like cold smooth velvet as he caressed every inch of her cold blooded flesh, it was a feeling of pure ecstasy. He slings his large cold black dick out & snatches her skirt up. Her body was halfway hanging off the balcony while he fucked her just like that real hard & fast.

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