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Natalie was all up on Moonlight kissing him, she couldn't take her hands off him & he had his hands all over her too. If only he was in his right mind. Luckily they were only half naked, so they ain't doing the nasty nasty yet if you know what the fuck I mean. Thundering was still booming & lighting was still striking. The blood rain was pouring so hard , ever harder than earlier. Both jumps & laughs.
"You so sexy Moonlight" she moans wit a slight giggle
As she kisses his chest. He grins. She grabs at his zipper, but before she can make another move , their was a loud crash downstairs. She jumps.
"What the fuck is that" ?!
"Do you want me to check" ? Moons asked
"No I got this, you stay right here"
She slips on a blouse & walks downstairs. Suddenly their was a knock at the window. Moonlight glances over & sees Cupcake at the window.
"Moonlight open up , it's me"
He looks confused.
"Moonlight please open the window"
He opens it.
"What do you want" ? He asked
"Natalie is a white witch & she put you under a evil love spell, & now I've come to save you , I have a potion that can break the spell , here drink this"
"I love Natalie , & that's all that matters "
"Nigga you don't even know what your saying"

Ava & Jack Jack was downstairs tryna distract Natalie. They kept making lights flicker & pushing things down. She was jumping& growling.
"TF IS GOIN ON" !! She screams

Cupcake thinks, she knew she had to think of something fast.
"Ok so like what if I told you that this potion can make you love Natalie even more then you do"
"But I thought you said-
"Nevermind what I said , I lied, just drink it & you will love her forever"
"Are you sure" ?
Cupcake eyes went red for a split second. That usually happens when she's lying or nervous about something.
He takes the bottle & drinks it down.
"Blehhh that's disgusting" !
Cupcake grins "yesssss"
Natalie comes back upstairs, but Cupcake was nowhere in sight. Moonlight was chilling on the bed. Cupcake told him everything & now they've come up with a plan. He's gonna pretend to still be under the spell until he lures her to her death. His eyes flashed red for a split second. But she didn't see.He was glaring at her with the most cunning expression.
"Is everything ok downstairs" ? He asked
"The storm was messing wit my house, but it's fine, so like where were we" ?
"I was thinking"....
"What were you thinking about baby" ?
"Do you wanna fuck in the storm" ?
"Uhhhh wow that's a bizarre request , but I kind of like it"
"I wanna do it by that tree over their"
"I'll do anything for you my love"
"Well let's go"
He takes her hand & they walked outside together. It was pouring with bloody rain. Cupcake, Ava & Jack Jack was behind the tree waiting for the signal to attack.
"Mmm delicious"
Jack Jack was sticking out his tongue to taste the blood.
"Jack Jack focus" Ava says

"Oh it's so much blood" Natalie says
Moonlight was kind of walking slow behind her. He glares at her evilly as his fangs grew sharper. He suddenly strikes her in the neck. She gasps & screeches as she falls to the ground. Green blood spilled out.
"YOU BITCH" !!! She screams
"NOW" !!!
Cupcake, Ava & Jack Jack hisses & attacks her.
"NOOOOOOOOO" !!!!!!! She screams
"DUMB ASS BITCH" !! Cupcake screams
Cupcake, Ava & JackJack was striking her with their razor sharp nails. Green blood was flying all over the place. She was screaming & screeching hysterically. She was whimpering in unbearable pain.
"MOONLIGHT & JACKJACK! Hang this bitch on the tree" ! Cupcake screams
They grabbed her "NOOOO LET ME GOOOO" !! She says weakly
Obviously it wasn't that easy to kill her since she's a witch , but they want her to suffer before her real death. Because the only thing that can actually kill a witch is fire.
She was tryna fight Moonlight & JackJack off , but they were much stronger. She was being strung up to the tree. Her legs were dangling.
"Would you do the honors babe" ? Moonlight asked
"I'll be gladly" ! Cupcake says wit a growl
She grabs the lighter & match & she lit that witch bitch up,
Everybody was glaring at her evilly while she was burning up alive, her flesh was melting. All you seen was flesh & green blood being consumed in the flames.
"Period bestie" !! Cupcake screams
Everybody high five & hugged.
"We did it gang" !! Jack Jack shouts
"We fuckin did ittttt" Moonlight says
Cupcake jumps in moonlight arms & kisses him with passion.
"So who did you say loved again" ?
"YOU of course"
"I know that's right shank"
He laughs.
"Another mission completed , Let's go yall " Cupcake says as she flips her hair

Everybody was walking off like a boss while that bitch was being consumed by the fire.

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