🩸The Castle🩸

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             The storm was over & daylight has hit

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The storm was over & daylight has hit.All of the vampires stood in the daytime wearing their all black outfits , black shades & holding black umbrellas to shield their selves from the light as they glared at their new castle in the woods.
"So this is our new castle" !! Cupcake says
Everybody claps & cheers.
"It's beautiful" ! Ava says
"Ohhhh I love it" ! Serpentine says
"We're gonna throw the best vampire parties in their" Brice said
"No more talking let's go inside , im tired of holding up these umbrellas" Moonlight says
"Say less " Cupcake says
Everybody walks in gasping with excitement & admiration.
"Wowwwwww" ! Cupcake says
"It's huge" ! Ava says
"Dang this is nice , you really found a good one Cuppy" Moonlight says
"I know right"
She flips her hair.
"Btw what the fuck happened to you Brice & Serp last night" ?! Ava asked
"Yeah we had to do a whole mission without y'all " Jack Jack says
"Ohhhh we had our face buried in Coke last night , we couldn't move a inch , we just fell asleep & it was the end for us" Brice said
"Yeahhh sorry we couldn't witness the death of Natalie the witch , i would have paid so much money to see that" Serpentine says
"Ohhhh you would have loved it , it was so beautiful" Ava says
"So let's check out this place & we will meet this evening for dinner" Cupcake says
Everybody nodded & wondered off. Ava runs in a room. Jack Jack follows behind.
"Oh this is definitely our room Jack"
"I like it, it's even bigger than our last"
"Much bigger"
She seizes him "hey Jack"
"You were pretty sexy last night when you were fucking that bitch up"
"Oh you thought so" ?
"I sure did, come here"
She pulls him close.
"So like you don't wanna check out the other rooms" ?
"I rather check out your room"
"Ok really & where is my room" ?
"Oh you know the one downstairs"
She bites her lip as she unzips his pants. He was already getting hard. She grabs at his Dick & puts all of him in her mouth as she glares up at him.
"Danm" he moans
She sucks & slurps him down real good.
"You like that" ?
"I love it , don't stop"
She giggles & licks the whole thang up & down.
"You so nasty"
"Nasty is my middle name, now eat me out"
She falls on the bed & her legs flys open. He attacked her. She moans softly at the feels of his wet cold tongue.
He licks faster & faster as he swirls his tongue all around.
"Oh my gosh JackJack, oh my fuckin gosh" !
He eases up & slides his cold Dick in. She squeals & bites her lip at the feels. He thrusted himself in & out, it felt so delicious, she was grabbing at the sheets & calling JackJacks name over & over again.
"Whats my fuckin name" ?
"Jack Jack"
"Whats my fuckin name" ?
"Jack Jack"
She felt herself cumin hard.

Everybody else in the house heard.
"Danmmmmm" Cupcake say
"Sheesh" Moonlight says
She & Moonlight was taking a nice bloody bubble bath.
"Jack Jack is putting it on ha stank butt" Cupcake says
He laughs "I guess so"
"Dude I'm so glad all that bs is over tho, like I thought I was tripping when you was saying all that shit"
"I don't even remember saying it"
"Yeah because the spell basically took over your body"
"Yeah I know , that shit crazy"
"Btw do you think the new Vampire queen & king has been picked" ?
"I have no idea, the storm is gone , so I'm gonna assume someone was picked"
"Yeah I guess so"
Cupcake sighs.
"You ok" ?
"I've always wanted to be the Queen & make mama Draculaura proud"
"So what about being Queen , she's always been proud of you& still is, you are her only daughter , you are the bravest , toughest, strongest & most beautiful vampire I know& if your not someone to proud of , then someone's obviously trippin"
"Awwwww that's so sweet , thank you"
She kisses his cheek. "Your the greatest Moonlight...& think you deserve to be the King, you are so smart , amazing, strong , fearless, & let's not forgot sexy"
He chuckles & blushes,
"Well thank you"
she kisses his lips. "I love you"
"I love you more beautiful"

After everybody was settled in , it was dinner time. Ava & Jack Jack walks in.
"Heyyyyy love birds, sounds like y'all had fun" Cupcake says
They laughs. "We sure did" JackJack says
"Mhmmmm" Ava says as she giggles
"I'm so hungry , what are we having" ? Brice says
"Medium rare steak, bloody mash potatoes & buttery bloody bread, with a glass of blood whine" Cupcake says
"Mmmm it smells delicious & looks delicious " Brice said
"Hell yeah , let's dig in" Moons says
Everybody sat around the table & begin to eat.

Val was outside in the distance glaring evilly at the castle

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Val was outside in the distance glaring evilly at the castle.

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