🩸 Ecstasy🩸

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|A FEW MONTHS LATER|      Cupcake , Moonlight, Ava , JackJack , Serp & Brice was chilling on the Hollywood sign popping ecstasy pills& drinking their fav drink

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Cupcake , Moonlight, Ava , JackJack , Serp & Brice was chilling on the Hollywood sign popping ecstasy pills& drinking their fav drink...BLOOD bitch. Everybody was high & giggling as they glared up at the starry night sky.
"We really been threw some crazy shit" Cupcake says
"Crazy is what we do, we are the crazies& we will never stop being crazy" Moonlight said
"Exactly, we will always be our self & never care what people think" Cupcake says
"Period, we're gonna always do us" Ava said
"We're gonna keep living our life& doing what makes us happy " Brice said
"Yeah & we will continue to not have no chill" Serp says
"We made some insane memories & were gonna continue making more together , forever" JackJack says
"Together forever" everybody says at the same time
It was quiet for a few seconds , then everybody bust out with laughter.
"Yall wanna go terrorize some people at the mall" ? Moonlight asked
"You know we do baby" Cupcake says
Everybody cheered & hopped off the ground.
"Let's fly tonight" ! Cupcake shouts
"Yassssss" ! Ava shouts

They transformed into bats & flew away into the night sky, past the full moon.


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