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"Ok hang up the phone" ! Jt shouts
"Ok ok I'm hanging it up" !
"Now drop it on the ground" !
Stephan slowly places the phone on the ground.
"Ok see I did it"
"Now it's time to die , because it's been a long time coming & it's time to get you monsters off my street for once & for all"

"Listen nigga it ain't even gotta be like this"
"Shut the fuck up nigga , yes it do , because y'all done killed so many people, so therefore y'all deserve to die" !
"We're werewolf's it's what we do" ! Prim said
"Well I don't like it" !
"Can we just kill 'em already" ?! Lydia says
"So like what happened to your friend Selena" ? Angel asked
Chan glances over at at Jt.
"Jt killed her" ! Chan said
"Chan what the fuck are you doing" ?!
"He Killed her because she was gonna tell y'all our plans, she ain't wanna do this& neither do I "
Chan drops his gun.
"What the fuck Chan" ! Lydia says
"TRAITOR" ! JT screams
"You keep calling us the monsters , but it looks like your one too" ! Stephan said
Jt screams & growls, he cocks his gun at Stephan, & shoots his leg. He growls & falls to the ground.
"YOU MONSTER" ! Prim screams
He attempts to shoot at her but misses.
"Lydia help me shoot these bitches" !!
Lydia ain't respond because she was being bit the fuck up by Cupcake & Ava. She whimpers & drops to the ground screaming out in pain.Serp was chilling in the car cheering.She wanted to join so bad but since her leg broke she can't.
"Wolfs eat" ! Cupcake screams
Angel & Qt runs & attacks her.Angel grabs her by the hair with her teeth & drags her.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH"!!!! She screams in agony
Angel pulls her hair out her skull. She was being eaten alive. Angel ate from the top & Qt
ate from the bottom.Her skin was getting torn apart in pieces.
"Lydiaaaaaaa" !! He screams out
Jt tries shooting at Angel & Qt , but Chan tackles him down.
"Ah Chan" !!! He screams
"I can't let you do this" !!
Suddenly Jt feels a sharp pain in his left hand. Moonlight was crushing his hands wit his big black boots. Chan moves the fuck out the way, he knew the bad bitch was finna take over.
"Ahhhhhhh" !!! Jt screams
"Your time is up JT" he says wit a growl
He whimpers as he glares up at Moonlight. Brice & Jack Jack walks up with smirks.
"No please don't kill me" !

Moonlight glares at him & takes his shades off quickly , his eyes changed colors to bright red & his fangs grew larger.He places his shades back on with a evil smile. It was finna go down.
"You burned my castle & you almost killed my friends, do you really think I'm gonna let you survive this night" ?
Moonlight stomped him in the throat & stripped him butt ass naked.He grabs his legs. Brice grabs the right arm & Jack Jack grabs the left arm & they started stretching his body out with all their strength & might.
While he was getting stretched the fuck out , his bones were popping outta place slowly.
His body suddenly rips apart. He was DEAD AF.
"Wolfs eat" ! Moonlight shouts
Angel & Qt was coming to attack.
"Nooo this ain't for y'all , yall already had your dinner , this for Stephan & Prim"
"Ughhhhh" Angel said
"Maannnnnn" Qt says

Stephan ate one half & Prim ate the other.
"I might be in pain , but that ain't gonna stop me from eating"
"Period" Prim giggles

Suddenly Cupcake winces in pain.
"Oh God"
Moonlight runs towards her,
"You ok baby" ?
"Ohhh ahhhh I think I'm going into labor"
"But your not due in like 3 months" !
"Ahhhhh , oh my gosh just get me to a hospital"
"Get me to a hospital too" ! Stephan said
"Wait what the fuck are we gonna do with Chan" ? Brice asked
"Ahhhhhh" !!! He screams
Mario & Nikki pulled up to the scene & fucked him up.Chan drops dead to the ground.
"Well that answers my question" ! Brice said
"Wait was he not supposed to die or something" ? Mario asked
"Well technically yeah , but then he turned out alright" JackJack says
"Oh well we was hungry anyways" Nikki said
"Ahhhhh, get me to a hospital, we have a vamp baby coming" ! Cupcake screams

Everybody runs to their cars & speeds off down the street.

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