🩸Stinkin Rich🩸

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Cupcake & the crew are obviously RICH AF now, because that Diamond was worth billions of dollars. They set for life & their kids set for life & their kids set for life & the list continues. And on top of being royal vampires, that's even more money added. So the money ain't never disappearing.

Everybody took a nice fun trip to all of the rich outlets in the city. They brought the best outfits, expensive jewelry, new Lamborghinis made out of real diamonds. Of course they brought the best & most delicious foods at the 5 star restaurants. And please don't get me started on all of the amazing places they traveled too , such as China, Japan , Bahamas, Hawaii, BoraBora, Turks & Caicos, London, Paris, Africa, Switzerland, India & so many more iconic places. They had private jet parties, yacht parties , mansions parties, you name it. All of the young rich folks in Hollywood was invited to all of their parties. It was a movie every weekend . No dull moment.Everything crazy & everything lit.

Stephan & the Wolfs were home. Stephan was playing cards with Qt. Prim was watching cupcake & the crew on insta live partying. Angel was in the kitchen frying fried chicken.
"Ugh it looks so fun, I wish we can be their"
"Ugh oh please" Stephan says as he rolls his eyes
But he knew deep down inside he wanted to be their too, he just ain't wanna say anything.

"Ooooh look they got a chocolate fountain"
"Ooh Let me see, I mean ...whatever" Qt said
Stephan snatches the phone "oh they think their so all that wit their little chocolate fountain, who cares"
"Looks like you care , you took the phone from me" Prim said
He growls & threw her phone at her. She caught it quick because wolfs got good reflexes.
"Ooooh look , they got a bubble machine" Qt said
"Fuck that bubble machine"
"I think it's pretty cool ....the vamps are really living their lives...I wish we can do that too & maybe even be included in all the fun" Prim said
"Me too" Angel said
Stephan sighs.
"Aww come on Stephan stop living in the past & think about the present, being friends with them might actually be a good change for the monster world" Prim said
"Dude we can literally change history" Qt said
"I need to get some fresh air"
He sits up & walks outside.

While he was walking down the street a man was lurking in the bushes watching him. He was a werewolf hunter. And he knew Stephan was a werewolf & he wants to kill him & the other wolfs. His name was Johnny Davis.

He had a rifle in his hand that was filled with silver bullets

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He had a rifle in his hand that was filled with silver bullets. Silver bullets is the most deadliest bullet in history , because it is the only kind that is strong enough to kill a werewolf.
"I got you now doggie" he whispers
He aimed & cocked his gun towards Stephan. Suddenly a paramedic truck was passing by , blocking Johnnys view from seeing Stephan& when the paramedic truck passed by completely, he was nowhere in sight.

"Fuck" he whispers in anger

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