🩸King & Queen🩸

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The vampire leader (a man) & Cupcake & her friends parents was standing & eyeing down everybody.
"Mom" ! Cupcake said
"Dad" ! Moonlight said
"Hello kids" Draculaura said (Cupcakes mom)
"Hi kids" Dracula said (Moonlights dad)
"What are yall doing here" ? Cupcake asked
"Yeah what the hell is going on" ? Moonlight asked
"I can't believe theirs a entire army of vampires standing on our street" Gabriel said
The vampire leader smiles big.
"Moonlight & Cupcake you are the new King & Queen of Transylvania" the vampire leader said
They gasped.
"So that's why our skin is glowing" ? Cupcake asked
"Yes that's why & now you need to come home so we have a proper coronation"
"We have to leave" ? Moonlight asked
"Only temporarily..you can come back , but we need you back home to make the crowning official"
"Do we have to" ? Cupcake asked
"Yes , it's the rules, we can't have the ceremony anywhere else but Transylvania"
Cupcake & Moonlight nodded.
"Do we need to pack our bags" ? Moonlight asked
"Bags?! Y'all are bats! Just fly back wit us" ! His dad said
"Ugh these kids are so mixed up in these humans & Hollywood , they almost forgot their ability's" Cupcakes mom said
Cupcake laughs "whatever mommy"
"Yall will be back right" ? Gabriel asked
"Definitely" Moonlight said
"Ok question, why did y'all have to bring the entire vampire family" ! Ava asked
"Because us vampires are extra & we wanted to make a grand entrance" The vampire leader says
Everybody laughs.
"Btw how long this glowing last" ? Cupcake asked
"Only for a few more mins , then you will b back to normal , no biggie" the vampire leader says
Cupcake & Moonlight nods & grins.
"Let's head out vamps" the vampire leader says
Cupcake & the crew transformed into bats & they all flew away into the night sky.
Gabriel loved all of this so much.
"I caught it all on my camera" !
"I bet you did Gabe" ! Giana said wit laughter


Cupcake & Moonlight stood face to face at the alter beaming into each other eyes with the brightest smiles

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Cupcake & Moonlight stood face to face at the alter beaming into each other eyes with the brightest smiles. All of the vampires was in the crowd watching with grins on their faces. Cupcakes mom was crying tears of joy & Moonlight mama was comforting her.
"Das my little vampp" she sobs & blows her nose
"They look so beautiful" Moonlight mom says
Ava & the crew was being all extra in the crowd.
"Das my best friend" ! She shouts
"Look at my home boy" ! JackJack says
"They look amazing" Serpentine says
"I'm so happy for them" Brice said

"Cupcake & Moonlight please repeat after me"
They nodded.
"I will protect my vampire family, I will love & cherish them forever & as I will myself & my partner, I will not break any vampire rules or I will be executed by light immediately, being queen & being king is my ultimate duty & my top priority & I will be the best at what I do"

Cupcake & Moonlight repeated the words. The vampire leader placed the crowns on their heads.
"I now pronounce you King & Queen" !!
Everybody clapped & cheered. Both kissed sensually with passion.

"I can't believe I'm the queen"
"And I can't believe I'm the king"
"Are we dreaming" ?
"Nope this is all real"
"Wow, this is surreal"
"Are you ready for this" ?
"I was born ready"
"I know that's right baby"
"Also fuck a hero , I rather be a villain , we're vampires , we don't save people , we murder people"
"Exactly, so let's conquer & devour this shit"
Cupcake gives a evil smile showing her fangs.
Moonlight smiles evilly showing his fangs too.

Everybody was cheering nonstop as they walked threw the isle like some bad bitches holding hands & waving at the crowd.

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