🩸Bloody Recital🩸

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                    Cupcake , Ava & Serp & all of the other girls were backstage getting ready

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Cupcake , Ava & Serp & all of the other girls were backstage getting ready.

                    Cupcake , Ava & Serp & all of the other girls were backstage getting ready

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"Ok attention ladies" ! Ms B says as she claps her hands Everybody glances at her

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"Ok attention ladies" ! Ms B says as she claps her hands
Everybody glances at her. "This is your moment & time to shine, you've all worked really hard so give it your all & very best & make mama B proud" !
Everybody nodded & smiled. Cupcake & the girls was looking evilly at Zuma, Tabitha & Cassie.
"Ugh I hope y'all disasters don't embarrass us" Zuma said
"Yeah it's gonna be so many elite ballet celebs out their watching us" Tabitha said
"Mhmmmm so don't mess us up" Cassie said
"Oh we got it all down pack, trust us" Cupcake said
"Oh y'all better" ! Zuma said
She snaps her fingers & she and her friends walks away.
Moonlight, Stephan & the whole crew sat in front. Gabriel & Giana walks up.
"Heyyyyy" ! Gabriel said
"Hiiiiii friends" Giana said
Everybody greeted & hugged them. Chelsea , Jackie , Alex & Tay walks up,
"Heyyyy gang" Moonlight said
"Heyyyyy yall" ! Chelsea said
"So happy everybody can make it" JackJack said
"We couldn't miss it" Gabriel said
"No way , we gotta support our girls" Chelsea said
Brice had snuck backstage because he had a really important job to do. He was gonna be in charge of the music. He had killed the man that was supposed to be working the music. He was laid out on the floor wit blood spilling out his neck.

"Ok places everybody, the show is about to start" Ms B says
"We're gonna give these Mfs a show they will never forget" Cupcake says
"Hell yeah" Ava said
"Period sis" Serp said

All of the girls strutted out on the stage & stood in there places as they waited for the music to cue.

All of the girls twirled all around the stage gracefully as they worked their arms & legs. Zuma kept glancing over at Cupcake while they danced. Cupcake gives her a big smile.Her sharp fangs were ready for her flesh. She was so hungry for blood, she was craving it so bad, even more than she usually does. Everybody was leaping & pointing their toes. Cupcake & the girls were in sync perfectly. They did not mess up once.

"Wow their so good, but when is the chaos happening" Moonlight said
"Bro I'm so ready" JackJack said
"It doesn't even look like this is their first time doing ballet , their killing it" Prim said

Outta nowhere Brice changes the music to something reckless & all of the boujee uptight people in the crowd was gasping & looking crazy.

Red strobe lights begin to flash. Cupcake attacks & bites Zuma, Ava attacks & bites Tabitha & Serp attacks & bites Cassie, Cupcake, Ava & Serp was going crazy. All of the dancers were screaming & running for their lives. All of the audience was screaming & running, but their friends were laughing. Even their crazy human friends were laughing. Cupcake was gutting Zuma with her sharp nails& drinking her blood. Ava was making bloody zig zags all across Tabithas chest. Serp was ripping Cassie's neck. After the girls killed Zuma , Tabitha & Cassies , they attacked & killed all of the other girls. Everybody was getting bit the fuck up, ain't nobody end up making it off the stage, because Cupcake& the girls are too quick. Dead bodies & blood covered the entire stage. The girls took a bow
"Thank you! Thank you"! Cupcake says as she waves at the crowd.Moonlight & the crew was clapping & cheering. The curtains closed & they ran backstage to find Ms B.
"Where the fuck is Ms B" ?! Cupcake screams
They heard Ms B screaming & seen her running in the dressing room. She was shaking & whimpering.
"Please girls" !! She begged
They walked in slowly as they glared at her evilly, their fangs showing , they were ready to get a big ole bite outta her.
Ms B was whimpering.
"Noo please no" !!!!!
All 3 of the girls attacked & bit her at the same time.

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