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Jack Jack manages to work his magic & find the location of Jasper, Carlos & Bette.They was currently at their lil shack of a house.The crew was heading their in their black Lamborghinis.

In like an hour they were finally approaching the house, but everybody made sure they park on the side of the road

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In like an hour they were finally approaching the house, but everybody made sure they park on the side of the road.

"Yo I don't see no car in the yard" JackJack says
"Those bitches might still be home" Brice says
"Like who gives a fuck, we can still break in this bitch" Moonlight says

Everybody hops out the car & jumps in the windows of the home. But nobody was nowhere to be found.
"Dammit those bitches ain't here" Cupcake said
"Jack Jack i thought you tracked their phones" ? Moonlight said
"Bro I did, this is their location" Jack Jack says
"Well I guess their phones are here , but where the fuck are they" ? Ava asked
"I think they left them because they knew the cops would track them , so they couldn't take a chance" Cupcake said
"So we're back at square one, now what to do we do" ? Serpentine asked
Suddenly Jasper walks in whistling. He was coming back for a bag that he left. He gasped & stopped in his tracks when he saw the crew standing in the living room.
"Their he go" !! Moonlight screams

He takes his gun out & tries shooting at everybody, but the crew was too fast on their feet. They were ducking & dodging his every attempts. They were jumping on walls and shit. Jasper was still tryna shoot at them. Carlos & Bette runs in with their guns since they heard gunshots.
"Hell if I knew" !! Jasper shouts
Cupcake suddenly attacks Carlos & bites him in the neck. He screams & falls backwards.
"THE BITCH BIT ME" !!! He screams
"Let's get the fuck outta here" !! Bette screams
"Helpppp me" !!! Carlos screams
Jasper & Bette ignored & left him. Carlos was getting clawed at by Cupcake.
"GET THE FUCKIN DIAMOND" !! Moonlight shouts
She was drinking his blood.Carlos was drained.Hs was dead.

"Who are those crazy people?! She killed Carlos" ! Bette said
"I don't know but we gotta get to our plane" !! Jasper said
Everybody ran out the house & hopped in their car to chase Jasper & Bette.
"I can't believe that bitch bit & drunk Carlos blood" !
"I think those were vampires Bette" !
"Real vampires" ?!
"I think so! what other fuckin explanation do you have" ?!
"Ohhhh this is so scary & freaky" !
"Their after our Diamond" !!
"Well their not gonna get it" !
"Ugh their right on our ass" !
"Drive faster Jasper" !!
"I'm going as fast as I fuckin can , shut up Bette" !
"I wonder how they found us" ?!
Moonlight & Cupcake car was pulling up beside them. Moonlight was getting ready to jump out the window.
"Nevemind look at this nigga" !!
Moonlight hisses & jumps on top of the car.
"Oh my gosh he had fangs" !! Bette screams
"WTF! I told you they were vampires Bette" ! Jasper screams
Jasper tried swiping moonlight off with the windshield wipers. Moonlight breaks his hand threw the glass & grabs Bette from out the car.
"HE GOT ME" !!
Moonlight throws her on the side of the road & hops in the car.
"STOP THE CAR JASPER" !!! Moonlight growls
"NO" !!!!

Cupcake seen Bette on the side of the road laid out screaming & crying.
"Hey do you need help" ? Cupcake asked
"Yes please help me" !!!
Cupcake ran her right over "your welcome" !
She & the crew zooms down the street.
"NEVERRRRRR" ! Jasper screams
"FINE! I'll have to do this the hard way" !
Moonlight suddenly grabs Jasper heart out his chest. It happened so fast , it ain't even hit him yet that he did that& suddenly he slumps over & hits the horn. He takes a chunk of his heart & bites it & throws it out the window. He reaches in Jasper pocket & grabs the Diamond out. It shined so bright, Moonlight cheeses as blood drooled down his mouth. Everybody swerved their cars & stop.
"I GOT IT" !!! He screams
"YASSSSSSSSS" !! Cupcake screams
"WHOHOOOOO" ! Jack Jack shouts
"Oh yeahhhhhh, we did it" ! Brice yells
"Alright way to go gang" ! Serpentine says
"Mission complete" ! Cupcake says
Everybody clapped & cheered.

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