🩸Cemetary Party🩸

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Cupcake & the vamps was out at midnight partying in Hollywoods local cemetery. A full moon was out. It was a bit chilly outside too,so the vibe was just right. Spooky & thrilling , just how they like it.Everybody was dancing crazy & throwing shots in the back of their throats.
"Yassssssss, we haven't threw a grave yard party in years" Cupcake says
"I know like this bring back so many great memories" Ava said
"I know right , it kind of makes me miss home"
"Ugh yes we had some amazing memories back home"
Cupcake smiles "but that's why we're making new ones here in Hollywood"
Ava smiles "exactly bestie"
"Anybody want some more bloody shots" ? Serpentine said
"You know my ass do" Ava said
"We all know Ava is the drunk of the crew" Cupcake said
"Yeah & I got the coke bitches" Brice said
"Whoooohooooo" Serpentine says
"I got something even better than Coke" Moonlight said
Everybody glances at him.
"What bro" ? JackJack says
"Yeah what can be better than my iconic Coke" ? Brice asked
Moonlight takes a small bag of ecstasy pills out his pocket & dangles it in everybody faces. Everybody clapped and cheered.
"Oooooh yes , let's do it" Cupcake said
"Ha! we're gonna be fucked up" Ava said
"Fucked up is my middle name" Brice says
"Everybody take one" Moonlight says
Everybody took one pill from the bag & swallowed it.

In like 30 mins later everybody was laying on the ground laughing & hallucinating. Zombies was coming out of the graves & shit. It was so insane.

"Yo the moon is moving & it looks like it's coming straight at me" Moonlight said
"Bro I think the trees have arms" Brice said
Cupcake laughs "I love it here"
"I swear the stars are dropping down on earth" JackJack says
"TF I see it too" Ava says wit laughter
"Mamnnn this is so trippy , but it feels so good" Moonlight said
"Dis is crazy" Serpentine
"I feel so happy & tingly, no cap" Cupcake says
"Am I naked" ? Moonlight asked
"No nigga you ain't naked"
Cupcake giggles.

After coming off their insane high everybody fell fast asleep in the cemetery.

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