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              Cupcake , Ava & Jack Jack was in the library looking for a spell book

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Cupcake , Ava & Jack Jack was in the library looking for a spell book.
"Ugh I should have known something wasn't right about Natalie ass" Cupcake said
"Yeah but you couldn't have never known, nobody knows who are witches" Ava said
"Ugh I fuckin hate witches, they make me sick" Cupcake says
"And one thing I do know is that vampires & witches do not get along" Ava said
"Bingo! found a spell book" ! Jack Jack says
"Yay period, find the page baby" Ava says
He quickly begin to flip threw the pages until he found what they were looking for.
"Ok here it is , how to break a white witch's love spell"
"It says you will need a cup of cinnamon, a table spoon of vinegar & a dead rose" Cupcake says
"Dang & we gotta get Moonlight to drink it"
"I can make that happen" Cupcake says
"I'll take care of the cinnamon & vinegar at the grocery store" Jack Jack says
"I'll find the dead rose at this garden not to far from here" Ava said
Suddenly lightning struck & thunder boomed.
"Oh my gosh please don't tell me it's raining" ? Jack Jack says
Ava opens the door. It was storming , but it wasn't just any storm , it was raining blood.
"Uh guys , I think y'all should come see this" Ava said
Cupcake & Jack Jack comes to the door.
"Raining blood? It hadn't rain blood since 100 years ago back in Transylvania" JackJack says
"But wait ....I thought it only rain blood when.....a vampire is about to be picked Queen & King" Cupcake says

Natalie & Moonlight was chilling at her house looking at the news.
"It appears to be raining blood! & nobody knows or understand why, we don't know what kind of weather phenomenon this is , but we advise everybody to take shelter immediately! Please stay safe...."A woman reporter said
"Raining blood? Do you know something about that Moonlight" ?
"It means two vampires are about to be picked to become the new king & queen"
"Really? Who do you think it's gonna be" ?
"Well me & my friends are all Princesses & Princes, so any of us can get picked...it's whatever our vamp leader decides"
"Sounds stressful"
"It can be"
"Well since we're stuck in the house , how about we make our time useful"
She trickles her fingers down his chest. He smiles & follows her hands. She straddles & kisses his lips. He obviously kissed her lips back since he's still under the spell.

Cupcake was glaring up at the sky. She was mesmerized at the sight of the blood falling from the starry night sky.
"I can't believe I'm seeing this in person...mom told me all the stories, she says she remembers when she got picked to be the Queen , she said the feeling was unimaginable...I hope I'm worthy enough to be the new queen"
"Cupcake you are one of the strongest & most toughest vampires I know, I couldn't imagine the vamp leader not picking you" Ava says
Cupcake smiles,
"Thanks Ava"
"So listen this bloody rain obviously isn't gonna stop us, we got places to be , shit to do" Jack Jack says
"Hell yeah, I gotta save my man from that WITCH BITCH" ! Cupcake says
"Period pooh , let's get it" Ava says

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