🩸Goodbye Transylvania🩸

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|BLOOD AIRLINES|            Everybody was linked on the plane heading to Hollywood

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Everybody was linked on the plane heading to Hollywood. They rode first class of course. Cupcake , Ava & Serpentine was sitting next to each other in one row & Moonlight , Jack Jack & Brice was siting next to each other in the row behind.

A woman stuartist walks over to the guys.

"Hello handsome gentleman , what can I get you three" ? "Oh hello I would like a blood champagne, a medium rare burger & bloody fries please" Moonlight says "I would take a blood dog & some blood sticks & a bloody coke" Jack Jack says "And I'll ta...

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"Hello handsome gentleman , what can I get you three" ?
"Oh hello I would like a blood champagne, a medium rare burger & bloody fries please" Moonlight says
"I would take a blood dog & some blood sticks & a bloody coke" Jack Jack says
"And I'll take a blood pizza , with extra bloody cheese & some blood whine"
"Coming right up"
She flips her hair & switches away. Oh & did I mention that vampires can kill other vampires. Cupcake glares evilly at that lady as she walks towards them.
"Hi ladies what can I get you" ?
"Everything that our men got bitch"
"Oh well alright then, but you don't gotta call me a bitch"
"I'm the Princess I can do whatever the fuck I want, now bow down to me or I'll throw you off this fuckin plane before you speak another sentence"
She swallows hard & bows quickly.
"Yes mam" !
She runs away, nearly tripping. Cupcake & the girls laughs.
"Dang babe you so hard fuckin core" Moonlight says
"You ain't seen hardcore yet"
She growls wit a smirk.
"I know that's right bestie" Ava says
"I could have slit her throat right here & let all that black blood drain from her neck , but I didn't because I'm happy right now you know"
"Yesss we're on our way to Hollywood , about to live a better life than we did before" Serpentine says
"I don't think Hollywood is ready for us" Jack Jack says
"Yeah the vamps are on the way" Brice says
"We were crazy & mischievous back in trans & we're gonna be the same way in holly, no biggie" Moonlight says
"I'm so ready to taste that fresh human Hollywood blood" ! Cupcake says wit a evil giggle
"I know it's gonna be scrumptious, I can almost taste it" Ava says
"Bruh where's the fuckin food" ! Brice says
"You inpatient bastard baby" Serpentine says
"Fuck you bitch. Im hungry! I saved my stomach for this flight" Brice says
A few mins later the lady comes out with the food.
"Bon appetite your highnesses" she says
"Alright thank you next bitch" Cupcake says
She rolls her eyes on the sly & mumbles "slut face" under her breath & cupcake heard. UH HELLO VAMPIRES HAVE A KEEN SENSE OF HEARING. She growls & glares at the lady.

"Ooh this looks & smells good" Brice says
"It sho do, dang let's grub yall" Moonlight says
"Hell yeah I'm finna fuck this up" Jack Jack says

Everybody was chowing down. After dinner everybody was chilling listening to music & chatting amongst each other. Cupcake eases up & sneaks off in the back to where the lady was located. She was smoking a cigarette.
"Oh it's you , may I help you , your highness" ?
She does a sarcastic bow. But before she can rise back up Cupcake strikes her neck with her sharp razor blade claws. Black blood spilled from her neck & she fell dead.
"Now you've helped me"

Cupcake struts out the room like the baddest bitch.She had the most evil smirk on her face. Her friends was looking back at her with smiles because they already knew what she had done.

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