🩸Corner Store🩸

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               It was around 6pm & a sister & brother  name Giana & Gabriel  was walking in the local corner store

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It was around 6pm & a sister & brother name Giana & Gabriel was walking in the local corner store.

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"I'm not sure if I wanna get the sour patch kids or the Swedish fish ugh" Gabriel said "Maybe get both" Giana said "I don't think I have enough" She rolls her eyes

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"I'm not sure if I wanna get the sour patch kids or the Swedish fish ugh" Gabriel said
"Maybe get both" Giana said
"I don't think I have enough"
She rolls her eyes.
"I'll help"
"You don't seem too enthused to do it"
"Shut up"
"I might get this brisk tea too"
"See you think because I'm your big sister you can take advantage of me"
He licks out his tongue. She playfully pushes him.
"Hey what do you think about that red sun from this morning" ? Gabriel asked
"I don't know , It was weird as hell"
"You know I once read in this vampire article that when you see a red sun that means a vampire queen & king are amongst us"
She laughs "Ohh here we go with your vampire drama, boy it ain't no such thing as vampires "
"Ok but how do you explain the red sun"
"I don't know I ain't a scientist foo"
"Yo I would love to meet a vampire one day , their like so cool"
"Whatever Gabe, just hurry up & get some snacks so we can go,I think it's gonna rain again"
"Ok, dang , why you gotta be so bossy , I'm 18 you know"
"I'm still your big sister"

Cupcake & Moonlight walks in the store. They immediately caught Gabriel's attention. Giana wasn't paying them no mind, she was busy looking at the chips.
"Giana, did you see those strange people that just walked in" ?
Gabriel was peeping around the isle at them. Outta nowhere 3 men ran in with black ski masks & holding guns.Everybody was screaming & gasping.
"Give me all your money in the register bitch" !!
Cupcake & Moonlight came out the isle to see what was happening.
"Ok! Ok" ! Cupcake shouts
Gabriel & Giana was shaking like a leaf on a tree. She was holding her brother tight.
"I can't believe this is happening" Gabriel said
"Shut the fuck up" !! One of them aimed his gun at him
He jumps "I'm sorry" !
"Please don't shoot my brother" !
"Just do as we say & nobody gets hurts" !
"Here take the money" ! The Indian cashier says
Cupcake & Moonlight glares at each other evilly with smirks. Both stood up slowly.
"Get the fuck back down" !!
"Yeahh I don't think so" Moonlight said
"Stay the fuck down or i will blow y'all brains out" !
"See that's where you got it all wrong sir" Cupcake says

She gives Moonlight the signal & within a blink of an eye they both was attacking all 3 men at once. Gabriel & Giana was gasping. Cupcake & moonlight was striking them down & drinking their blood.
Gabriel was making sure he get it all on camera.
"Oh my gosh their vampires! I knew vampires were real" !
"I can't believe it oh my gosh" ! Gianna said
Gabriel was glaring with amazement at their sharp fangs. He was almost starstruck to see real life vampires in the flesh in person.

The Indian man was looking wide eyed. After killing the men all of the customers glared all around in shock. Gabriel started clapping & then everybody else joined in.
"Are they clapping for us" ? Cupcake asked
"Yeah looks like it" Moonlight said
"Nobody never clapped for us"
"I know but I'm loving it"
"Thank you for saving us" Gabriel said
"Ohh well sure your welcome " ! Cupcake said
"Yall are life savers, we can't thank you enough" a woman said
"Y'all are hero's" ! A man said
"Hero's" ?! Moonlight said with a surprise
"We've never been called hero's before" Cupcake said
"Well theirs a first for everything" ! Giana said

A news reporter was interviewing them.
"Can you believe it folks! Real life vampires are in our city, everybody is calling them the vamp hero's of Hollywood"
Cupcake & Moonlight was smiling at the camera. They couldn't believe this was all happening.

"Oh my gosh look at our friends on tv" ! Ava said
"Wtffffffff" ! JackJack said
"Oh my gosh their famous" ! Serpentine said
"Bro this is crazy" Brice said

"What are y'all names" ?
"My name is Cupcake Count Cattalin"
"And my name is Moonlight McKnight"
"Well thank you so much for your bravery Cupcake & Moonlight! this city definitely needs some real protection, because the cops sure ain't no good" !
"BLACK LIVES MATTER" !! Someone screams in the background
"Period" ! The reporter said
"We're so happy to help" Cupcakes said
"Yes , we don't like bad people, & we definitely don't like cops" Moonlight said

"YASSS, period, tell em" ! Ava said

Everybody wanted autographs & pictures. Gabriel crazy ass was sho getting his pictures in.
"I've always been a big fan of vampires, i always knew y'all were real, but my stupid sister never believed me"
"Ugh shut up Gabe, Ion believe in werewolves tho"
"Oh their real too & we don't FUCK wit them neither" Cupcake said
"Wow so its true that vampires & werewolves don't get along" Gabriel said
"Yeah we despise each other" Moonlight said
Ava & the crew was pulling up.
"Heyyyy bestie" ! Ava said
"Bestieeeee did you see me on tv" ?!
"I did! Oh my goshhhhh I'm so proud of you"
"Can I get y'all autographs like wow" JackJack said
"Are yall vampires too" ? Gabriel asked
Brice slid down his shades "we sure are" he said smirking

Suddenly while everybody was laughing & mingling the moon turned blood red , lightning begin to strike, thunder begin boom & blood rain begin to pour. Everybody was gasping & looking up at the sky. Cupcake & Moonlight veins begin to shine bright red.

"Oh my gosh , yall are glowing" ! Ava said
"Moonlight what's happening to us" ?!
"Idk Cupcake" !
A loud as rumbling noise begin to shake the earth. Everybody was falling to the ground. A bunch of bats came flying threw in the sky. All of the bats was landing on the ground as they transformed into people vampires. All of the humans were gasping & glaring at them.
"Oh shit , it's our vamp family" Brice said

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