🩸Jasper, Carlos & Bette🩸

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The 3 friends was glaring & admiring the big beautiful dazzling Diamond as it shines & glistened on the table

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The 3 friends was glaring & admiring the big beautiful dazzling Diamond as it shines & glistened on the table.

"Yo we finna be rich AF, like it's been a long time coming you know" Jasper said "Yeah bro, we been broke for way too long, it's our time now" Carlos said "I can't wait to travel the world & see new things" Bette says "So listen we gotta start pac...

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"Yo we finna be rich AF, like it's been a long time coming you know" Jasper said
"Yeah bro, we been broke for way too long, it's our time now" Carlos said
"I can't wait to travel the world & see new things" Bette says
"So listen we gotta start packing so we can get the fuck outta here & head to Paris" Jasper said
"Yeah & we gotta move faster because the cops are after us" Carlos
"Bro the cops ain't gonna catch us , we ain't got nun to worry about" Jasper said
"Yeah Carlos you be tripping too much" Bette says

The tv was on in the background,
"A woman identified as Jamie Cooper was found dead in her car last night , where it looks like she bled out to death from her neck, it's unclear what attacked her , but we will keep everyone posted" a news reporter man said

A picture of her neck was shown on tv.
"Oh fuck" Jasper said
"That's disgusting who would do something like that" ? Bette said
"Or what did that" Jasper said
"You think a animal did that" ?
"I don't know who knows , but I do know something or someone took a real big plug outta her" Jasper said
"Ugh I don't know what happened to the woman, but I can't stomach that shit, that's gross"
Carlos walks away from the tv

"Anyways let's start packing" Jasper said
"Ok but I'm still wondering what the fuck bit that lady" ?
"We don't have time to think about that shit , we need to be on our private jet to Paris, fuck her"
"You right"
"Yeah I'm right , i can't figure out a time I was wrong"

Jasper peeps his head in the room.
"Aye Mr weak stomach, pack your shit we gotta go"
He nods.

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