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           Val walks inside her home

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Val walks inside her home.It was dark & cold. She goes into her room & cuts on her lights. She had anti vampire posters all over her wall.She hated vampires with a passion. She always knew vampires were real because she had a horrible incident with one of them some years ago, when another group of vampires came to Hollywood. Her parents were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they were killed in a vampire shoot out & ever since then she wanted revenge. She glares evilly at her wall full of posters.Some of the posters had vampires with holes punctured in their eyes & the words DIE in big bold letters going across their faces. Once Val found out that cupcake & the crew were real vampires, she begin to plot & now she's gonna play them until she strikes.


Val gets a call from Cupcake.She tries to calm herself down before speaking.
"Hi cupcake last night was crazy wasn't it"
"Yeah it was, but I'm used to crazy"
"Yeah I bet you are"
"Yeah well me & my crew is gonna go out into the city tomorrow night , you wanna join" ?
Val wanted to get under Cupcake skin.
"Can Natalie come" ?
Cupcake makes the craziest face.
"Uh sure ok"
"Great we will see you tomorrow night" ?
Both girls hang up. Val glares evilly.

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