🩸Anti Vamp🩸

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It was late at night. Cupcake and the crew wasn't at the castle , they were out at the club partying. Val waited all night in the woods for them to leave so she can sneak in.Val knew how to pick locks.She walked in the castle & glared all around.She goes upstairs into Cupcake & Moonlights room & open the closet door.
She rolls her eyes & immediately begin to trash the entire room, she lost it & went crazy & she started destroying the entire castle by knocking things over & throwing things.
Suddenly she hears a car pulling up. She gasps & hides. Cupcake & the crew was coming back from the club. They were tipsy but not drunk. Everybody walks in.
"Wow that was so much fun" Cupcake said
"Tonight was very much needed" Moonlight says
Everybody suddenly gasps& stops in their tracks as they seen their castle destroyed, all of their belongings were everywhere.
"What in the world" Ava said
"Oh my gosh who did this" ?! Cupcake said
"Our castle is completely destroyed" Moons said
"I don't understand, who the fuck would do this to us" Brice said
Cupcake begin to sniff around "I smell mortal blood, someone must have followed us here"
"Check the entire castle" ! Moonlight orders
Everybody nodded & ran off. Val tip toed out her hiding spot when the close was clear. She sighs in relief & runs out but end up accidentally running into JackJack.
"AH" !! She screams
He growls & grabs her.
"I found the intruder" !!
Everybody ran in their direction. They growled at her ass.
"Ohhhhh so your the demon in disguise" ! Cupcake says
She was struggling to get loose from JackJack.
"Why did you do this" ?! Moonlight asked
"Your kind killed my parents years ago, & ever since then I've been planning to seek my revenge" !!
"Wow so you've been playing us since we met you in hot topic" ?! Ava said
"When you told me you were vampires I didn't believe it at first , but once you proved to me that you were I immediately begin to plot my revenge on you"
"What the fuck did your weak pathetic ass thought you were gonna do to us" ? Serpentine says
"I was gonna kill you all one by one with a vampire stake , I found it in my parents storage, they used to do some vampire hunting , that's how they were shot & killed in that vampire shootout"
"Vampire shoot out? so other vampires years ago came to Hollywood" ?
Val was breathing heavy from struggling.
"We're sorry about your parents but we weren't the vampires that killed them, you shouldn't take your anger out on us for someone else crime" Moonlight said
"I hate all of you vampires, you all deserve to perish" !
"Can we kill this bitch already" ?! Brice said
"Yeah but I have an idea" Cupcake says
"What the fuck are you gonna do to me" ?!
"Well since you have this fascination over vampires we're gonna make you become one & then we're gonna kill you"
"WHAT?! NO" !
"Vampires attack" !
Everybody walked slowly towards her wit evil smiles.
Everybody took a juicy bite out her. She falls to the ground & hisses in pain. She begin to transform. Her eyes turned red, her skin became more paler, fangs grew & nails grew sharper & longer.
"WHAT HAVE U DONE" ?! She screams
"You are now what you hate" ! Cupcake say
"See for yourself" Ava said
She looks into a long mirror & screams,
"Wait I thought vampires couldn't see their reflection" ?
"Oh sweetie that's only a myth" Serpentine says
"The sun is almost up" Jack Jack says
"Light to a vampire feels like fire , blades & acid all in one consuming your flesh slowly" Moonlight says
"Oh please you can't do this to me" !! She screams
"You thought you were gonna kill us but looks like we beat you at your own game" Brice said

The sun was coming up. JackJack& Brice dragged her towards the door. She was screaming & crying nonstop.
"No please you can't do this! You can't do this" !
She was quickly thrown outside & locked out. The sun was officially up & beaming in the sky.

Everybody smiled evilly as they heard her screams of agony.

Val skin disintegrated into dust particles.

Everybody high five.
"Let's go to bed gang , I'm tired AF" Cupcake said
"Same whew child" Moonlight said
"Yeah I'm so ready to lay my head in my cozy little coffin" Brice said
"Period" Ava said
Everybody was yawning as they headed upstairs.
"Good morning vamps" ! Jack Jack said
"Good morning JackJack" ! Cupcake said

Late that morning while everybody was sleep.
The sun begin to beam blood red. Cupcake & Moonlight veins were glowing red while they slept.All of the humans were stopping & staring. They ain't never seen a red sun.

"So strange things has been happening in this city, unexplained deaths! Raining blood & now a red sun...can things get any weirder" ?! A man reporter said

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