🩸Halloween Eve🩸

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It was Halloween eve & the whole city was out getting prepared. People was filling up all the Walmarts , targets & party city's, buying Halloween decorations, candy & costumes.

Cupcake , Stephan & the gang was at party city checking out the costumes to be nosey.
"Ugh they really think vampires dress like this? Well maybe our parents did back in the day , but we surely don't" Cupcake says
"I know right like ugh" Ava said
"Look at this lame ass werewolf mask" Stephan said
"Das how y'all look when y'all transform" Ava said
"Yeah right , I'm a sexy werewolf, this mask ugly AF" !
Everybody laughs.
"It looks just like you baby" Prim said
"Nahhh that looks like you , stop trippin"
"Oh shit they got the fake blood" ! Brice said
"Should we drink it" ? JackJack says
"No nigga, do you wanna die" ?! Brice said
"But I'm like really curious to know what it taste like"
"Jus smell it"
He opens the bottle & smells it.
"Gross, smell this B"
He smells it "bleh bleh bleh"
Everybody laughs.
"Brice I know you did not just say our most stereotype word" Serpentine says
"I sho did, I still can't believe they actually think we say that"
"Ha! they got the fake vampire fangs" Moonlight says
"Ooh let me see" JackJack says
"Look at that shit , they ain't even sharp enough" Moonlight said
"Obviously not" Cupcake says
"But they tried it with the fake ass claws" Prim said
"I honestly can't wait to see what these humans put together" Qt said
"Fr , like their gonna swear up & down they us" Angel said
"Well I guess that's the whole point of Halloween,is being someone your not " Cupcake says

"Ahahhahahahhaaaaa" !
A girl & her 3 friends was walking in laughing & chatting. They was heading in the same isle where the vampire & werewolf costumes were.


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"Ugh I need me a cute sexy vampire fit , like  what is this"?? Chelsea said "Yass & I want me a cute ass werewolf fit" Jackie said "Since it's almost Halloween , everybody done picked over everything" Alex said"Yeah mfs got all the good shit"  Tay...

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"Ugh I need me a cute sexy vampire fit , like what is this"?? Chelsea said
"Yass & I want me a cute ass werewolf fit" Jackie said
"Since it's almost Halloween , everybody done picked over everything" Alex said
"Yeah mfs got all the good shit" Tay said
Cupcake& the crew gave each other smiles.
"Hey" Cupcake said
"Oh my gosh it's the vampires from tv! & them crazy ass werewolf's" Chelsea said
"Yessss that's us" Ava said
They all was gasping with excitement.
"I think we may be able to help y'all with your costumes" Cupcake said wit a big smile

They nodded & smiled.

Chelsea & Alex was at the vampires castle raiding their closet, Jackie & Tay was at the werewolf mansion raiding their closet. They had to get them right & you already know they were invited to the monster mash Halloween party.

"Ahhhh I love this outfit , this is perfect thank you" Chelsea said
"Awww your welcome" Cupcake said
"Yo man this is dope, thanks" Alex said
"Np man" Moonlight said

"Oooh look at my ass in this dress , it's so cute" Jackie said
"Period, you look good bitch" ! Prim said
"Ayeeee look at me tho, i look fresh , like I ain't know werewolf's we're this fly in real life" Tay said
"Hell yeah dude , we stay fresh to death nigga" Stephan said

Everybody high five & hugged.

"Look at us helping humans again" Cupcake said
"Maybe we can be called the hero's of Hollywood"
"Ugh no"
Cupcake rolls her eyes & flips her hair. Moonlight laughs.

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