🩸Blood Drive🩸

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Cupcake was laying in her bed. Her stomach growls.She grabbed her phone , went to google & searched up blood drives near me. 6 popped up. She had the biggest smile on her face. Moonlight was busy shaving in the bathroom.
"Shankkkk are you hungry" ? Cupcake yells
"I'm always hungry" he yells back
"I found some blood drives near us"
He peeps his head out the door.
"Did you just say blood drives" ?
"Mhmmm I sho did" she smiles big
He smiles.

 "Did you just say blood drives" ? "Mhmmm I sho did" she smiles big He smiles

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Both was sneaking around the blood drive truck.
"Ok we gotta get on this truck" Cupcake says
"I feel kind of bad getting blood from the blood drive knowing it's for a good cause" Moonlight says
"Oh please , since when do you care about a good cause"
"Since never , but I'm jus saying"

A man walks up behind them.It was Johnny Davis the wolf hunter. And low n behind this nigga work at the blood drive.
"Uh excuse me" ?
They jumped & glanced back at him.
"What are y'all doing here" ? He asked
"Oh Uh well ...we came to give blood of course" Moonlight says
"Uhhh yeah" Cupcake says
"Wait a min? I think I know y'all from tv"
"Oh you do" ? Moonlight asked
"Yeah y'all are those vampires that saved that those people in that store from that robbery"
"Oh yasss that's us" Cupcake says
"Yeah I knew I recognized y'all , wow I really admire y'all for that,I didn't know vampires had a heart"
"Well we D-
Moonlight cuts Cupcake off "we try try" he says
"Btw have y'all seen or been in contact with any wolfs lately" ?
"You talking about werewolf's" ? Cupcake asked
"Yes werewolf's"!
Cupcake gives Moonlight a odd look.
"No , but why" ?
"I've Uh always been fascinated by them, I'm a huge fan ... it would be so amazing to speak to one...do you Uh know where they are" ?
"Honestly no, we never been to their house" Moonlight said
"Oh they have a house ? I thought they would be living a burrow or something"
"Uhhh no , their half human too, so obviously they can have homes...and if you were such a huge fan you would know that" Cupcake said
"Right yeah ...I forgot, but Uh here's my card if you hear from them"
Moonlight snatches the card away & glares at Johnny in curiosity.
"Btw I thought vampires doesn't have blood , what did you mean by giving blood" ?
"Oh well obviously that was a lie" Moonlight said
"Ok how about this...you can drink all the blood I have here in this truck, but you gotta do something for me first" ?
"Depends what it is mister" Cupcake said
"Bring the wolfs to me , because I know you know where they are" Johnny says wit a slight cunning expression
Cupcake & Moonlight glances at each other.
"Deal" Moonlight says
He shakes Johnny hand.
"Excellent" he says wit a smile

An hour later Moonlight & Cupcake was in the back of the truck stuffed with blood. Moonlight burps.
"Oh that hit the spot"
"I know right" Cupcake says as she rubs her stomach
Moonlight burps again,
"So like you didn't buy that whole I'm a wolf fan bs did you" ? Cupcake asked
"Of course not , I saw right threw that man that he was a wolf hunter, I ain't crazy, but I made a fake deal so we can get what we want obviously, because I got a plan"
"Yassssss" ! Cupcake says as she claps her hands excitedly

Later that night back at the castle Moonlight gives Johnny a call.
"Hello" ? Johnny said
"Hi Johnny this is Moonlight calling"
"Oh hello Moonlight, I didn't expect to be hearing from you this fast"
"Yes I was calling because I would like to invite you to me & wife's Halloween party , it's at 6pm, the wolfs will be their"
"Oh Im definitely their , I can't wait to meet them"
"Yes I bet you are , see you soon Johnny"
"See you"
Moonlight hangs up.

Johnny laughs evilly.

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