🩸City Life🩸

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Cupcake & the crew was walking down the street checking out the scenery n all that shit. Natalie was giving Cupcake some nasty looks on the sly & when cupcake looks back at her she smiles.
"So like thanks for inviting us" Val said
"Yeah np Val"
"So like are we not gonna talk about what happened at the underground party" ? Natalie asked
"What's their to talk about" ? Cupcake asked
"Uh hello! Serpentine killed Bianca by slicing her throat , then she drunk her blood that's some nasty freaky shit" !
"Well we're vampires what the fuck do you expect" ? Cupcake said
"Yeah but like can you be vampires & not kill people" ??
"We just don't kill to kill , we kill when necessary, but when we don't kill we just bite your neck , which means you will become a vampire& we don't like to turn anybody into vampires unless they truly & genuinely want to become one" Cupcake said
"Oh wow enough said" Natalie said
Val was rolling her eyes on the sly. She wanted to kill these vampires on the spot right now. But she tried her best to remain calm.
"Are you ok Val" ? Ava asked
"Oh yes of course , why would I not be" ?
"I don't know you just looked bothered in the face"
"Oh no I'm not bothered by anything"
Ava nods& grins.
"Ooh let's go in that music store" Ava said
"Yasss" Serpentine says
Cupcake nods & smiles.
Everybody walks in & wonder to different sections of the store, it was huge , you can almost get lost. Moonlight wonders off alone towards the back. Obviously Natalie was watching his every move.
"Hey Moonlight" ? Natalie says
He looks back "wassup"?
"did I scare ya" ?
"Vampires don't get scared easily"
"Unless it's light"
She giggles "so what kind of music you into" ?
"Heavy metal ,pop alternative ...shit like that"
"Dope , me too, I listen to dance electric too"
"Oh nice that's what's up"
Natalie eyes begin to glow white. Moonlight falls into a trance. He was now under a deep love spell. Because believe it or not. Natalie is a witch. She smiles at him with a devious but happy smile.
"I think I'm gonna pick out this CD" Ava says
Cupcake glares all around.
"Where the fuck is Natalie & where the fuck is Moonlight" ?
"Uhhh I have no idea" Ava says
"Natalie was just next to me , I guess she wondered off" Val says

Suddenly Natalie & Moonlight comes up laughing together.
"What in the hell" ?
"I gotta buy this CD" Moonlight says
"Yassss you should definitely buy it"
"Uh hello what's going on here? I was looking for you"
Cupcake stomps her foot.
"Oh me & Natalie was just discussing music together"
"Discussing music together?! You told me last night that this bitch ain't mean a thing while you was railing my guts in" !
"Cupcake calm down, I think your overreacting" Natalie says
"Calm down! Bitch you better stay the fuck outta it before you end up like Bianca" !
"Ok just chill please , it's only a misunderstanding" Natalie says
"Cupcake you don't own me, if I wanted to date Natalie I can, you can't stop me from true love"
"EXCUSE ME?! True love ?! You don't even know this bitch, what the fuck are you talking about" ?!
Ava, Jack Jack , Serpentine & Brice was looking so lost & confused in the face.
"Dude you don't even know her , Cupcake is your girlfriend, what the hell are you saying" ? JackJack says
"Things change"
Cupcake was literally dumb founded by the response. Natalie was smiling on the sly.
"I think he just likes my vibe better honey" Natalie says
Moonlight eyes transformed white for a few seconds , then back to normal & Ava notices. She gasps.
"Uhhh cupcake" ??
"I'm finna fuck a bitch up, what you want Ava" ?!
"I need to tell you something"
"What" ?!!
"It's really really important"
"Dude I don't know what's gotten into you but it ain't right" Brice say
"Let's talk about you almost lying to Bianca about being single"
Serpentine gasps. "You lied & said you was single" ?!
"No I mean I almost did , but it doesn't even matter anymore because she's dead"
"How can I trust you" ?!
"Baby you can trust me"!
"Moonlight let's go over here, I don't wanna be involved in this , this isn't our problem "
"You right okk"
"Moonlight where the hell do you think your going" ?!!
Cupcake was about to attack Natalie, but Ava pulled her back.
"Wait" !
"What Ava" ??
"I think Moonlight is under a dark love spell"
"Oh my gosh , are you serious? How do you know" ?
"His eyes turned white for a split second"
"Oh my gosh that's witch magic"
"Which means ...Natalie is a white witch"
"Wow , that explains it all"
"We gotta break the spell & get your man back"
"And let's not forgot burn that bitch"

Serpentine & Brice was still in the back fighting.
"Ugh y'all two chill out fr dawg " Jack Jack says
"Ugh I can't stand you Brice! You make me so sick sometimes"
"Ugh fuck you Serp"
"Fuck you too"
Both fold their arms & slowly glanced at each other. Brice suddenly grabs & kisses her.
"You know I'm crazy about you Serp, stop playing wit me"
"Whatever B, I'm just crazy about you TF"
"As you should but I'm crazy bout you , I just got caught up in the moment & the Coke was getting to my head..das all"
"Speaking of Coke, I need some right now"
"Let's head back to the hotel & get it on"
"Say less sexy"

"Jack Jack come here baby" Ava says
Jack Jack walks over "yeah babe" ?
"Sooo something crazy is happening right now & we need your help"
"Ok anything, what's the tea" ?
"Wait where's Val" ?? Cupcake asked
"I guess she left" Ava said
"Yeah she did , I seen her walking out with Natalie & Moonlight, what the fuck is going on here ? Why is Moonlight all in that girl grill, I don't understand" Jack Jack says
"Yeah that's what we wanted to talk to you about" Ava said
"Ok lay it on me"

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