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             "Ughhhhhhhh" Cupcake moansMoonlight held her hand the entire time

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"Ughhhhhhhh" Cupcake moans
Moonlight held her hand the entire time. She was squeezing the fuck outta it.
"Come on babyyyyy you can do this"
Ava & Serp was in their giving her comfort as well.
"You got this bestie"! Ava says
"You got this" ! Serp says
"Come on keep pushing" The Docter says
"Baby you fuckin got this, come on & bring our son in this world"
"We see the head mama"
"Here he comes" !
The Docter takes him out.He cries loudly & bites the doctor in the neck. Everybody gasps & laughs.
"Ah he bit me" ! the Docter says
"Oh he's just hungry , no big deal" Cupcake says wit a giggle
Just a little blood was drooling from the doctor neck.
"He's a baby , but those tiny fangs hurt" ! He says as he bandages himself up & laughs nervously
Moonlight laughs hysterically & cuts the cord.
"Das my boiiiiiii" !
Cupcake giggles. "Yayyy that was his first feed" !
Moonlight cheers.
"Wow I can't believe he's here"
"Yess you did itttt baby girl , I'm so proud of you" Moonlight says
Cupcake couldn't help but shed tears of joy.
"You help me get through these difficult times, thank you baby"
"I'm just doin what a great hubby does , no need to thank me"
Moonlight kisses her lips.The baby was cleaned up, wrapped in a red blanket & handed to his mama.
"My son, my beautiful little son"
She glares down at him with the biggest smile.
"Look at my boiiiiii" Moonlight holds his heart
"Look at auntie tink tink" Ava said
"He's so cuteeeee, I love himmm" Serp says
"Hi mommy's handsome baby" Cupcake says
"Congratulations mommy & daddy, what's his name" ? one of the Nurse says
"Fangz McKnight" Cupcake says
"Awesome name! I love it" she says
"Hiii Fangz" ! Everybody says
He coos & smiles. You can see his his tiny nubby nub fangz. He was so stinkin cute.
"Let pop pop holds his boi" !
Moonlight takes him & glares at him.
"Look at you, I can't believe your mine"
He coos & glares up at his daddy wit a smile.He smiles back& rubs his nose on his little nose.
"We're gonna spoil tink tink so much" Ava said
"Yassss, period you already know"  Serp says

Everybody was coming in the room with balloons & gifts. Prim was rolling Stephan in a wheelchair.
"Where uncles baby at " ?! Stephan said
"Yassss where li pooh at" ? Prim said

Baby Fangz was getting held by everybody. He was cooing & smiling at everybody. His grandmas & grandpas made a surprise visit.
"Mama! Daddy" ! Cupcake says
"Dad! Mom" ! Moonlight says
"Yess we here , you already know we had to see our grand baby" ! Draculaura says
Fangz was getting so many kisses & cuddles from them.
"Okkk let me see my babyyyy" Cupcake says
Grandma hands baby Fangz to her. Moonlight gives her his bottle that was filled with blood. She gives it to Fangz & he was drinking away.
"It's good ain't it" ? Cupcake says

After everybody had their fun wit the baby & took pics , they departed. Cupcake was sleep. Moonlight was sleep in the chair & Fangz was sleep too in his arms.It was so ADORABLE.

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