Once upon a dream (rewrite) - Roceit

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Not sure why I waited this long to publish this but whatever, re-write of this one-shot. I have no idea if I'll ever redo any others.


Janus walked into the mind palace theatre. He had been on his way back from the kitchen when he'd heard a noise from inside and decided to investigate. So he'd opened the door quietly, not wanting to interrupt whatever may be going on inside. His eyes locked onto Roman, alone on the stage. He looked almost angelic, being the only thing illuminated within the mostly dark room.

Janus smiled slightly, watching the creative side as he began to sing and dance around the stage, reenacting the 'once upon a dream' scene from Sleeping Beauty. He looked relaxed, happy, he wore a smile that Janus had never seen on him, It was nice and Janus couldn't help but stay and watch despite knowing he should probably leave before Roman noticed him. But the part where Prince Philip joined Aurora in the movie was quickly approaching and Janus smirked as an idea formed in his mind.

Before he even realized what he was doing, he'd begun to move towards the stage. Roman didn't notice him, even as he climbed the stairs into the stage, so he stayed, waiting for the right moment to step out and reveal himself.

"La~ La~ La~~~ " Roman sang, "But if I know you, I know what you'll do~" And there it was, Janus moved forward and caught Roman as he spun, successfully recreating that part of the scene, "you'll love me at once-"

"The way you did once upon a dream~" out of shock Roman stopped singing at the same place Aurora did.

"Oh. Oh!" Roman exclaimed his desire to stay in character and finish the scene despite who it ended up being with was stronger than his desire to tell of the deceitful side, Janus realized this and gratefully continued with the scene.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," Janus recited Phillips line to the best of his acting ability, which wasn't great compared to Roman but was adequate. Roman seemed surprised that Janus knew the lines and the scene so well but he wasn't the only one who was forced to watch it every time Thomas did.

"Oh, it-it wasn't that. It's just that you're a..a.." Roman trailed off, staying in character with practiced ease.

"A stranger?" Roman nodded, "but don't you remember? We've met before,"

"We-we have?"

"Well of course," Janus laughed lightly, "you said so yourself: 'once upon a dream'" He began to sing again, "I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream~ I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar, a gleam~"

The two hadn't moved at all until then, just stood in the center of the stage, staring at each other, Roman with distrust, while saying their lines, but now Janus cautiously pulled the other into his arms, taking the lead for the dancing part of the scene while the instrumental version of the song played in the background.

Roman slowly relaxed while they danced, though he still didn't seem to trust the situation he was in. Janus just smiled softly the whole time, part of him wanted to interrupt the moment to say all the things he felt he needed to, but at the same time, he liked the tranquility of it all, It felt right somehow, so he chose to just enjoy the moment.

When the song ended, however, it was almost as if they were broken from some sort of trance, Roman quickly pulled away taking a few steps back. "I didn't know you knew that scene so well," it was the only thing Roman could think to say but he still cringed at it.

"Neither did I," Janus said with a short laugh before his expression grew more serious, "look, I- I'm sorry. About everything I said. It wasn't right and I know I hurt you. I didn't mean any of it, and I know that doesn't make up for it but-"

"It's alright."

"It's not. I don't think you're like Remus. I was just frustrated and hurt and I took it out on you and for that, I apologize."

Roman smiled slightly, "I forgive you." there were a few moments of awkward silence before Roman spoke again. "Well I suppose I'll see you around, Janus, but for now I must be off," Roman said before turning and starting to leave,

without thinking about it, Janus reached out and grabbed his arm, preventing him from leaving, "Wait. Could we... Do this again... Sometime?" Janus asked, Roman, looked thoughtful then he nodded with a small smile. Janus released his grip on him and Roman climbed off the stage and left the theatre.

Janus smiled after him, maybe he could fix the damage he'd done to their relationship, maybe things could eventually be ok between them. He was certainly glad that he'd decided to investigate the theatre that day.


Rewritten: 11-27-2021
Word count: 811
Posted: 1-22-2022

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