Once Upon A Dream: Roceit

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This was based on a prompt posted to Tumblr by transformationloveb

TW: none because it's fluff


Janus walked into the mind palace theatre, to find Roman on stage, beginning to reenact the 'once upon a dream' scene from Sleeping Beauty. No one else was there, not in the audience and not on stage with him, he was just dancing around while singing Aurora's part.

Janus walked forward, Roman hadn't noticed him, he climbed the stairs into the stage, waiting for the part where Prince Phillip joined Aurora in the movie.

"La~ La~ La~~~ " Roman sang, "But if I know you, I know what you'll do~" Janus quickly grabbed him as he twirled, "you'll love me at once-"

"The way you did once upon a dream~" Roman stopped singing at the same place Aurora did, he looked shocked.

"Oh, oh!" Roman said, the same way Aurora did, I guess he was just going with it, so Janus would as well.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," Janus said Phillips line, slightly amused by Romans expression of shock, he seemed surprised that Janus knew the lines and the scene so well.

"Oh, it-it wasn't that. It's just that you're a..a.." Roman trailed off, still staying in character.

"A stranger?" Roman nodded, "but don't you remember? We've met before,"

"We-we have?" Roman said.

"Well of course," Janus laughed slightly, "you said so yourself: 'once upon a dream'" Janus began to sing again, "I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream~ I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar, a gleam~"

They hadn't moved at all until now, just stood in the center of the stage, hand in hand, staring at each other while saying their lines, but now Janus started to lead them in dance while the instrumental version of the song played in the background.

When the song ended it was as if they were broken from some sort of trance, they quickly pulled apart, embarrassed. "I didn't know you knew that scene so well," Roman said.

"Neither did I," Janus said with a laugh.

Neither knew what to say, they had both enjoyed singing and dancing together, but they weren't sure whether to admit that or not.

"I'll see you around, Janus," Roman said turning and starting to leave, but Janus grabbed his arm preventing him from leaving.

"Could we..do this again..sometime?" Janus asked, Roman, smiled and blushed, nodding he ran off the stage and left the theatre.

Janus smiled after him, he was glad he'd gone to the theatre today.


Written: 6-22-2020
Word count: 458
Posted: 8-12-2020

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