On the edge (Prinxiety)

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Finally, another one that I don't hate, wow I had a lot of bad ones. But the rest from here on out are good, I think.

Prompt by: transformationloveb


Roman didn't know how long he'd been there, watching the water plummet down to the unseen lake below, shimmering like diamonds when the sunlight hit it, but it must have been quite a long time because he heard footsteps behind him.

Whoever it was sat down next to him, but sat criss-cross instead of with their legs hanging over the side like Roman. Roman glanced over cautiously to see who it was, it was Virgil.

   "Patton told me what happened, I came to check and see if you were okay," Virgil said.

   "I'm perfectly fine, Emo Nightmare," Roman replied.

   "Are you really? 'cause you don't look fine," Virgil said.

Roman didn't answer for a moment, just continued to stare over the edge, then he sighed, what was the point of hiding it anymore? "I'm meant to be the strong, confident, princely one. The one who always has good video ideas, but according to Logan, none of my ideas are good enough. They're not serious enough. I was meant to be Thomas' hero, but then he said I'm not. I'm supposed to be the good side of creativity, but according to Deceit, I'm not. My head is so filled with insecurities and self-hatred that I can barely focus on anything else. Everything's only getting worse, so why should I stick around when it's only going to hurt me more?" Roman said standing up, close to the edge.

Virgil's anxiety skyrocketed as he stood, "move away from the edge, Roman." he said fearfully.

   "Why should I?" Roman asked, finally turning around to look at Virgil. "You don't care about me, none of you do. No one takes me seriously because all I am is an annoying Prince. I'm not "light side material" to any of you. I'm not worthy of being here with you- y-you perfect flawless light sides." Roman said taking a step back, but he hadn't realized how close to the edge he was, there was no land to step on, just air, he gasped as he began to fall.

   "Roman!" Virgil yelled as he stepped forward to try and catch him, he managed to grab Romans sash and yank him back to safety. They fell back onto the ground and for a moment just stayed there while they calmed down slightly from the scare. "What the hell, were you thinking! You could've gotten yourself killed! Did you do that on purpose, Roman?!" Virgil asked, more out of fear than anger.

Roman was shaking badly and mumbling "I didn't mean it" over and over, Virgil started to comfort him and Roman threw his arms around him, still shaking, "I didn't mean to fall, I just felt so overwhelmed with everything, a-and-" he sobbed burying his face in the crook of Virgil's neck.

Virgil hugged him gently, rubbing circles into his back, "It's ok, you're safe now," he mumbled. 


I don't know how to end this so here.

Written: 7-5-2020
Word count: 505
Posted: 9-12-2020

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