Just kill me

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This one is mostly just my trying to broaden my writing a bit, hope you like it!

TW: Suicidal ideation, suicide attempt (sort of), fantasy type violence, fighting, injury, blood, implied unsympathetic Logan.


Roman runs through the imagination, trying to find something he can fight. He comes across a Dragon Witch and pulls out his sword, fighting and defeating it easily enough. He moves on continuing to fight low-level monsters.

This was how he let off steam, what he did when he needed to work through his thoughts and feelings. Currently, he was trying to work through everything that had happened in the last episode.

Roman stumbles into another cave, expecting another low-level monster, but instead, he found a Manticore-Chimera, it stared at Roman for a moment before letting out a roar and charging at him.

Roman yelped and leaped out of the way, he quickly started trying to figure out a way to defeat the monster before him. He dogged a swipe from the monster's paw and tried to stab it but both the snake and the scorpion's tail came at him at once, he knew he had to move, he knew that both could kill him easily, but he hesitated, destructive thoughts filling his head. Should he move? Or should he just let it kill him? In the end, he moved away just in time.

As he continued to dodge attacks he found himself continuing to wonder if he should keep dodging, maybe he should just let it kill him, he thought about all the times he'd been rude, or just flat out mean, to the other sides. He thought about how annoying he could be, how unrealistic, and unoriginal he was. He thought about all the times that the others had told him to shut up or just to go away. And he thought about what Dec- Janus had said.

Was he the evil twin? I mean, he did come to the imagination to defeat monsters that had zero chance of winning, or surviving, would that be considered murder?

Roman dodged yet another swipe from the scorpion tail, but it caught his suit, ripping it. Was he worthy of his suit? Roman swung his sword when the snakehead lunged at him, the blade made contact and the snake screamed, retreating. Should Roman feel bad for injuring it? It's not as if it had attacked him unprovoked or anything, Roman had been the one to wander into its layer.

Roman ducked as the Manticore-Chimera flew over him, swiping its paws at him once more. Roman stabbed at the paw and the monster roared, turning on him with full force, lashing out in pain. This time it managed to scratch Roman with its claws.

Roman stumbled back a few feet, putting a hand to his chest, the cuts weren't too deep, but there was a lot of blood.

Roman fought back with all his might, not bothering to block any of the monster's attacks, was it a monster? Or was he?

Roman swung his sword at the Manticore-Chimera, getting blocked by the scorpion tail. The lion paw swiped at his back, cutting him up, he fell to one knee as a wave of dizziness overtook him.

Roman stared up at the Manticore-Chimera, he knew he couldn't beat it, so why not let it defeat him? Let it do the thing he had been too scared to do himself?

Roman dropped his sword, looked up into the lion-like eyes of the creature before him, "Just kill me already!" he shouted at it.

The Manticore-Chimera almost seemed to grin at that, lifting its paw to take one last swipe at the broken Prince before it, but a silver object flew through the air, hitting the paw. The Manticore-Chimera let out a roar, as Remus jumped in front of his brother, swinging his morning star wildly to ward off the creature before it could kill Roman.

Upon successfully warding off the Manticore-Chimera, Remus turned and knelt in front of his twin, "are you alright?" he asked simply, before mentally facepalming at the stupid question, at least he didn't ask if he was hurt or anything.

Roman nodded and let Remus help him to his feet, "how did you-?" Roman started to ask before getting cut off by his brother.

"Twin telepathy, remember?" Remus answered as if it were the most obvious thing, "plus I know where you go when you're upset."

Remus led them out of the imagination and to the living room where Logan begrudgingly cleaned Roman up. Remus began to leave when Roman stopped him, "Thank you," he said, "for saving me I mean."

Remus smiled at his brother, "what are brothers for if not to stop each other from being killed?" he asked half-jokingly before leaving.

Logan finished cleaning and wrapping Roman's injuries and Roman left to his room. Part of him was upset that Remus had shown up and saved him, but for the most part, he was glad he had.


Written: 8-2/3/9-2020 (yes this took three days, it's completely different from what I usually write.)
Posted: 9-22-2020
Word count: 822

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