Consequences Part 3/3

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We're so close to 1k reads! How?! But thank you!!!!

TW: Slight mention of what happened? Let me know if I should add anything else.


The first thing Roman realized as he began to wake up was that his arms hurt like hell, the next was that he could hear people talking, though he couldn't tell who it was, the third was that he was on the couch, and the fourth was the memory of what he'd done. He would most likely have died if it weren't for Virgil breaking into his room. He couldn't decide whether he was glad Virgil had saved him or not. The one thing he knew for sure: he did not want to face the others right now, or ever really, so he just kept pretending to be unconscious.

He listened to Logan and Patton's conversation, they were discussing how to help him, "we need to watch him twenty-four seven, we can't risk letting him be alone." Logan said. Romans breath hitched at that, never getting to be alone? That sounded awful!

   "I think he heard you," Virgil said. Oh great, of course, he'd be watching close enough to see if Romans breathing changed. Well, there's no point in continuing to pretend to be unconscious. He opened his eyes, looking around a bit, before spotting Remus and instantly sitting up, scrambling away from him, the pain in his arms increasing at the movement.

   "Wow, calm down, Roman. Remus isn't going to hurt you, he's here because he's worried about you." Thomas said. But Roman didn't calm down, he just stayed there looking uncertainly between Remus, Thomas, and Patton.

Virgil noticed this and walked towards him, "Princey, we all just want to help you." Roman could tell Virgil was being sincere, he relaxed a bit but was still cautious of Remus. The last time he saw Remus he'd hit Roman over the head with his morning star, again.

Virgil sat down next to Roman, pulling him into a light hug, Roman leaned into him, burying his face in his chest and crying again. He felt so pathetic, but at this point, all he wanted was to feel safe, for the thoughts that still filled his head to just leave him alone already, to be happy, even if he looked pathetic in the process. Soon he felt another pair of arms wrap around he, then another, soon they were all hugging him, it felt nice. Maybe a little too nice because he started to fall asleep, though that may have partially been because of blood loss.


A few days have passed and Roman was feeling a bit better, he had become a bit more open about how he felt, especially with Virgil. Roman was in his room, thankfully he wasn't the only one to disagree with Logan's idea that he had to be watched all the time. There was a knock at the door, "come in!" he called, expecting it to be either Patton or Virgil, they checked on him the most, but instead in walked Janus.

Roman opened his mouth to tell him to get out but something stopped him, Janus walked in and hesitantly sat at the edge of Roman's bed, far enough away that Roman didn't feel threatened by his presence. "Roman..." He started, but it seemed as if he didn't quite know what to say, "I wanted to apologize, I shouldn't have said what I did, I never wanted to hurt you, I just got angry and- I'm sorry..." He said.

Roman stared at him, even he could tell Janus was telling the truth, that he felt guilty for what he'd said and that he, like Patton and Thomas, blamed himself for what happened. "It's ok," Roman told him out of habit.

   "No, it's not! I hurt you and you almost- I pushed you over the edge!" Janus said loudly. "I would never forgive myself if you had died, I still don't think I can. I know you aren't like Remus, and that neither one of you are evil. And I wish I never said that."

Janus stopped, looking up to make eye contact, "I care about you, a lot, and I want to help you get better, I'm here for you if you ever need anyone to talk to." And with that, Janus left.


Later that evening Roman found himself standing outside of Janus' door, knocking. The door opened, "I forgive you, Janus, and I know you don't always lie, I trust you." Roman told him. He'd been thinking about it all day and had realized that, if he could forgive Thomas and Patton, then he could forgive Janus.

Janus was so happy that he hugged Roman, who was surprised but didn't pull away from him. Roman's heart skipped a beat, he felt butterflies in his stomach and started blushing as soon as Janus touched him. After a few seconds Janus released Roman, "s-sorry, I, uh.." he trailed off, he too was blushing.

   "I should probably be getting back before someone notices I'm gone and flips out. I'll see you around, Janus!" Roman said quickly, as an excuse to get away as fast as possible.

He ran off around the corner, hearing Junus say: "y-yeah, see you later..." he sounded a bit sad.

Roman sunk back into his room, 'do I like Janus?' Roman thought about him more and his heart skipped again, he also felt lighter. 'I do like him!' he realized.

Before he could think anymore about it his door opened and Patton popped his head in, "We're having a movie night, Kiddo!" he announced cheerfully.

   "Alright, I'll be out in a bit," Roman said. Patton left and Roman put on his onesie before going down to the living room, actually skipping a bit. 

   "What's got you all happy?" asked Virgil, "don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're in a good mood, just wondering what brought it on."

Roman just shrugged, turning to Patton, "can we invite Janus and Remus to join?" he asked.

Everyone was surprised Roman would want Janus there, "Why Janus?" asked Virgil again.

This time Roman answered him, "he apologized to me earlier and I forgave him." Roman said simply. Virgil looked like he wanted to say something more but Patton spoke up first, "of course we can invite them!" he sunk out returning a few moments later with the dark sides in tow, both were in the onesies which was a surprise. Janus looked adorable in his.

They all got situated, Janus and Roman somehow ending up next to each other. Same with Virgil and Logan. Patton just sat by himself on the floor. It was a bit awkward at first since Roman and Junus kept getting pushed closer together, but eventually, they just gave in to the closeness and started cuddling.


The worst of the three parts, and I still suck at endings, but I'm posting it anyway.

Written: 6-13-2020
Edited: 4-6-2021
Word count: 1,115
Posted: 7-25-2020

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