"I'm fine"

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Thank you so much for over 100 reads already, it means a lot that people are liking my writing, and I promise that my writing does get better.

Human au where the sides all live together.


Virgil couldn't hear any Disney music playing in the background, he knew something had to be wrong. Leaving his room he headed down the hall to Roman's room, where he knocked on the door, only to receive no answer. "Roman?" he called, no reply, he was getting worried, "Roman!" he said it louder this time, still no reply. Something had to be wrong or Roman would've replied. He kicked the door down, which is a lot harder than it looks, and walked in to find a horrifying sight: Roman lay motionless on the floor, an empty pill bottle next to him, his wrists slit and bleeding heavily. Virgil couldn't help but scream at the sight, falling to the ground.

   "No. No, no, no! This isn't real, it can't be!" after a moment he went over to Roman's body and checked his pulse, relief washed over him when he felt one, though it was incredibly weak. He somehow managed to call 9-1-1, and soon enough they got there and took Roman to the hospital. Patton called, asking where he was after about a half-hour and he explained what happened. The others got to the hospital around the same time twenty minutes later and together waited for news.


About an hour later a doctor came into the waiting room saying that Roman would live, but would need to see a therapist. 
They were allowed in to see him and Virgil exploded, "What the hell, Roman! Why didn't you talk to us?! Why would you try to commit suicide?! We love you so freaking much, never do that again, ok? You had me scared to death!" 

   "I'm sorry... I just... I'm sorry..." Roman said. 


After a few months Roman just went right back to pretending, he still wanted to die but he knew he couldn't do that to his family, not again. But eventually, everything became too much again and there were only so many times he could say "I'm fine."


Short and terrible but my phone's about to die, and this is all just practice anyway.

Written: 5-20-2020
Edited: 4-6-2021
Word count: 330

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