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This is based on a prompt posted by transformationloveb on Tumblr It's also really short, sorry about that.

3k reads?! How?!? Thank you all so so so much! I love you all! And since this is so short imma posting two one-shots today.

TW: Suicide, cuts, blood, Patton crying.


No one had seen Roman in hours which was odd because it was the middle of the day and he was usually out and about unless he had a big project he was working on, but he would usually tell the others when that was the case. Patton decided to go check on him just in case Remus had knocked him out with his morning star again or something.

He knocked loudly on Roman's door, there was no Disney music playing from inside and that worried him, he opened the door. "Kiddo?" Patton walks into the room, "Roman, is everything okay?" Patton looks around and screams falling to his knees.

Soon loud footfalls are heard coming down the hall, "Patton?! What's wrong?!" Logan asked concerned.

Virgil walked past the sobbing side into the room, seeing Roman un-moving on the floor, deep cuts going up both his arms and a dagger still in his limp hand, "No no no no!" he ran over to Roman, kneeling in front of him and checking for a pulse, but it was too late, he was gone.


Written: 6-22-2020
Word count: 190
Posted: 8-15-2020

Roman Angst One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now