I'm not better

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A vent that turned into Creativitwins? Psh, no, where did you get that idea?

TW: mentions of Self-Harm and suicidal thoughts, Remus being Remus-y.


It had been a few months since the other sides had found out about Romans depression and self-harm, at first they had tried to help a bit, checked him every day to make sure he wasn't hurting himself. But after a couple of weeks, Roman just went right back to pretending and no one questioned it, they were just happy that all that was over.

Of course Roman wasn't better, but it was clear that he was just being more of a burden to them when he showed he wasn't ok, they all seemed happier now that he was acting happy again, even though that's all it was: an act.

Roman became more and more depressed, falling back into Self-Harming, but even still he kept smiling. He didn't talk to anyone about what was going on in his head, even when it was thoughts of suicide.

But one day it all became too much and he went to his brother, doubting that he'd care at all, but needing someone to talk to.

He rose in his brothers' room, and Remus dropped the organs he was juggling. "Roman!? What are you doing here?!" he asked.

"I just, um, I needed someone to talk to..." He said, "I know you don't care, you don't even have to listen, just.. Don't kick me out yet."

"What could the 'Honorable Prince Roman' ever have to say to me?" Remus asked.

Roman just sighed, "You know about the whole..depression thing..right?" Remus nodded, "I-I-I'm not better, ok? I'm not better. And I keep waiting for somebody to figure that out and..they don't! I mean, of course, they don't, 'cause as long as I say the right thing, and I act the right way, they're happy because that means that they cured me, right?"

Roman wiped his cheek to get rid of the tear that had fallen while Remus just stood there in shock, before quickly walking over and hugging his brother, "I'm so sorry, do you want me to go bash them over the heads and yell at them?"

Roman smiled slightly, "that won't be necessary." he said pulling away from the hug.

"Fine," Remus' expression changed to one of genuine concern, "wait, you aren't..cutting..again, are you..? He asked.

"N-no," Roman said.

Remus narrowed his eyes and pulled up Roman's sleeve, revealing his lie, Remus hugged Roman again, "I'm here for you, ok? I do care."

Roman hugged back tightly, letting himself cry.


Written: 7-2-2020
Word count: 420
Posted: 9-5-2020

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