I'm a good person, right?

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Thank you so so so so much for over 1k reads! It means the world to me that you all are enjoying my writing, even when there are ones like this sprinkled throughout that I'm not as proud of, (I swear that I love Janus, I was, and still am, mad at him for hurting Roman.)


Roman couldn't sleep, he couldn't stop thinking about what Janus said, he needed someone to talk too so he got up and headed to Virgil's room, knowing he'd still be awake.

Roman knocked on Virgil's door, part of him hoped that Virgil heard but another part, the part that said he was dumb and childish and that he didn't need anyone to talk to, hoped he hadn't.

But, alas, the door opened and there stood Virgil, he wasn't wearing his hoodie, just the shirt he had on underneath, paired with black leggings, his headphones hung around his neck, I'm not okay (I promise) still playing.

Virgil raised an eyebrow, "what are you doing here, princey? Don't you need your beauty sleep or whatever?"

Roman shrugged, "couldn't sleep, figured you would still be up," he didn't know why he was still trying to act fine, a habit he supposed.

Virgil didn't look convinced, "you wanna come in, or are you just gonna keep standing there?"

Roman walked into the room, Virgil turned it back to the way it was when Thomas visited so that they could sit on the couch and talk, as he could tell something was bothering the Princely side.

The two sides sat on the couch, neither saying anything at first, Virgil was waiting to see if Roman would open up on his own.

But when he didn't Virgil spoke up, "ok, Roman, what's bothering you, and don't say it's nothing because we both know something's wrong."

Roman hesitated, "I-I-I need you to tell me I'm a good person, I know that I can be selfish and narcissistic and self-destructive but underneath all that, deep down, I'm a good person and I need you to tell me that I'm good." Roman said.

Virgil was a bit shocked, he knew Roman was insecure, but he had no idea he was questioning whether it not he was a good person, "Of course you're a good person, what brought this on?"

"Janus. He compared me with Remus when I made fun of his name, and then I started thinking of all the times I made fun of you and..."

"You're not a bad person, sure, you can be a jerk sometimes, but everyone can be. And you're making an effort not to make fun of me or anyone else. Janus was just being mean for no real reason."

Roman smiled weakly, "thanks, Virge, that helped a lot."

Virgil smiled back, "anytime, seriously, I'll try to help with everything else going on with you as well."

"That's a long conversation for another time," Roman said, trying to play it off as a joke.

And that's all, for now at least, might make a part two of that long conversation. (I never did and I don't plan to)

This was inspired by a TikTok by sandra_g_14 I'm seriously in love with her Roman cosplay, mostly cuz they're all angsty.

Written: 6-13-2020
Word count: 486
Posted: 7-29-2020

Roman Angst One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now