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Sorry, it's a bit late, I wasn't home.

TW: Explicit self-harm, blood, crying, depressive and suicidal thoughts.


Roman sat in the corner of his room, tears streaming down his face, a razer blade materialized in his hand and he placed it against his wrist, digging it deep into his skin and dragging it across his wrist while muttering, "not good enough, evil twin, annoying, stupid, pathetic, worthless, fat, insecure, useless, just shut up, they hate you, they all hate you, even Thomas, Just die!"

The door opened and he froze, blade still in his wrist, blood pouring out of each deep cut, his heart stopped when he looked up and saw Virgil standing there with a look of horror on his face.

Virgil quickly ran over to Roman, pulling the blade away from his wrist, and hugged him tightly, not saying a word, he didn't know what to say.

Roman just buried his face in Virgil's neck, letting himself cry. He hated that Virgil now knew his secret but this hug was nice.  All too soon, Virgil pulled away, "we need to clean and wrap this," he said, teleporting them both to the bathroom and having Roman sit on the sink, there was quite a bit of room as both Virgil and Roman liked to sit there.

Virgil quickly wet the washcloth and started to gently clean Roman's wrist. When all the blood was cleaned away, Virgil summoned a first aid kit and started to wrap Roman's wrists in bandages.

When he was finished he finally looked at Roman, "why?" he asked simply.

Roman sighed, not making eye contact, "I'm not good enough, you guys have all made it clear you don't like me, I'm always insulting you all, and I've tried so hard not to but I still do it sometimes. I tried to be nice to Janus at first to make up for how mean I was to you, but you all said that I shouldn't be nice to him because he's evil so I was mean to him and got called evil because of it! No matter what I do, I'm in the wrong! And I couldn't say anything because you'd all think I was just being over-dramatic! I don't even remember how long I've wished that I could just die..!"

Virgil looked a bit shocked, "You are good enough, and of course we like you- love you. You are not evil, I never hated you, even when you insulted me, I insulted you back, remember? I always thought of it more like 'witty banter' than us hating on each other." Virgil countered.

Roman studied Virgil's face, trying to determine whether or not he was lying, it didn't look like he was but he still didn't know if he believed him or not.

Virgil could tell Roman didn't believe him, "how can I prove that I'm telling you the truth?" He asked. "I care about you so much, and it hurts to see you hurting like this!"

Roman launched himself at Virgil, hugging him tightly as he cried again.

Later Virgil told the others about what had happened and they all hugged Roman and promised that they would help him and that they did love him. Janus apologized for what he said, and Patton and Thomas apologized for not standing up for him. Roman still didn't quite believe that they cared but everyone was determined to convince him they did.


Written: 6-29-2020
Word count: 578
Posted: 8-19-2020

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