I thought you'd care...

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I completely forgot I was gonna post today instead of tomorrow I'm sorry.

TW: implied self-harm, suicide attempt.


Roman sunk out, tears already streaming down his face, and instantly went to Virgil's room, knocking loudly so that the anxious side could hear over his music.

The door opened, "Roman? Wha-" Roman cut him off by hugging him tightly. Virgil led them farther into his room, sitting them both on his bed. "Roman, what happened? What's wrong?" he asked in concern.

"Janus compared me to Remus and called me the evil twin and Thomas said I wasn't his hero, and Patton said he loved me but Janus said that when we were in court and that was a lie so how do I know Patton isn't just lying to me?" Roman explained through tears.

"Janus did what?! I can't believe him! Everyone else already hates him, Janus is his only friend, and now he's calling him evil?!" Virgil asked angrily.

Roman looked over at Virgil in shock, his heartbreaking even more, "what? Why are you defending Remus?! I'm the one who's hurting!! I expected this forgiveness crap from Logan and Patton, but I thought you'd care about me.." he said standing up.

Virgil realized his mistake, "Roman, I'm sorry, that's not what I-" he grabbed Roman's wrist and Roman immediately pulled away, but as he did so his sleeve got pushed up to reveal a blood-stained bandage around his wrist.

Roman looked at Virgil for a moment, "I came here so you could convince me to stay... Don't bother following me, I'll be dead before you get there..." he said before sinking out again.

Virgil sat frozen as he tried to process what had just happened, but then what the bandages meant and Romans words registered and fear washed over him, he was going to kill himself.

Virgil quickly followed Roman into the imagination, the only place where he could die. He popped up on a cliff face, Roman was a few feet away, about to jump, he called to him but he didn't even turn around.

Virgil ran, Roman, stepped off the edge, "No!" Virgil got to where the creative side had disappeared and dropped to the ground, grabbing Roman's hand, Roman struggled But Virgil managed to pull him up nonetheless, pulling him into a protective hug, "I'm never going to let you die, ever!" He hugged him as Roman sobbed in his arms.


I hate this one but whatever.

Written: 7-1-2020 (wow two months ago exactly!)
Word count: 406
Posted: 9-1-2020

Roman Angst One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now