1AM (Roceit)

661 40 6

I don't know what to say for this one, sorry it doesn't have a title.

TW: None


Roman ran a hand through his hair, racking his brain for more ideas. His eyes skated over the paper in front of him which already held several ideas but none were very good, in Roman's opinion anyway.

Roman let out a sigh, he couldn't think of anything else. He glanced up at the clock which read 1 AM. He should probably go to bed, he had already pulled an all-nighter last night, but he had to work on the script for the next episode.

He flipped the page in his notebook and read over what he had so far, he then picked up his quill, rathered it to a pen, and began to write. He was having a hard time focusing, but he just rubbed his eyes, drank some coffee, and continued writing.

Roman was so absorbed in his writing that he didn't hear his door open, or the footsteps coming towards him, he jumped when a hand landed on his shoulder, causing him to make a line on his paper that he hadn't meant to.

   "You need to go to bed," Janus told him, "you can work on that more in the morning."

   "I'm almost done, I'll go to bed in a minute," Roman said, trying to get rid of the line.

   "We both know that's a lie, you always say that and then never end up going to bed," Janus said, gently taking the quill from Roman's hand.

Roman sighed, he wanted to be annoyed at Janus but he was right, he did need sleep, he felt like he was about to pass out from sleep deprivation. He allowed himself to be led over to his bed and tucked in by Janus.

Janus smiled down at Roman, he had fallen asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. Janus pressed a kiss to Roman's forehead and whispered: "Good night, my Prince." before turning to leave. "G'night." came the sleepy reply. Janus smiled as he left the room.


Written: 8-24-2020
Word count: 333
Posted: 10-3-2020

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