Encounter in the wilderness

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TW: Eating disorder, and implied plans of suicide

Human/highschool au

Sorry if Janus is incredibly out of character, this is my first time writing him, instead of just giving him like one line. And it takes me a while to get used to writing a character and get good at it.

Also, as I kinda mentioned before, these are mostly just practice and a way for me to kinda vent a bit.


Another day, great. Roman thought sarcastically as he got up. He got dressed and went downstairs to where his parents and twin brother were eating breakfast, sitting down and forcing himself to eat some. "Good morning, motherf***er." Remus greeted him. Their parents had long since given up on getting after Remus for saying stuff like that, but even still their mom glared a bit at him.

"Morning, Re," Roman said, pushing away his half-eaten pancake and standing up. Without another word, he headed back upstairs and into the bathroom, where he quickly got rid of what he'd eaten. He then grabbed his backpack and went back downstairs to meet the bus. As usual, he sat next to Patton and listened to his conversation with the rest of their friend group, joining in only when he knew that's what they expected.

The day went exactly as it usually did, including having to go to the principles office to get Remus because he said something rude to his teacher. They were now all lounging in the park, Logan trying to get them to study. "It's so boring," Remy said drawing out the word 'boring and falling back into the grass, "can't we just go to the mall, they opened a new coffee shop and I wanna try it."

"We can go to the mall after we finish studying," Logan said.

"We could make It a game!" Patton suggested.

"Patton, we are in high school, we do not need to make studying a game," Logan replied.

"You never let us have any fun!" Patton pouted.

"I do not prevent you from participating in "fun" activities other than when you are supposed to be doing something else," He glanced over at Remus, "or it is dangerous and has the potential to hurt you or others." Remus started arguing, and Roman sighed, he didn't feel like stopping him right now, he didn't feel like doing much of anything. He especially didn't want to be there anymore and so while they were all starting to argue, Roman got up and left.

After walking through the woods for a bit, he arrived at a small secluded spot next to a stream. It was his favorite place as It was quiet and sometimes deer or other wildlife would be there and he could just watch them. He had thought about taking Virgil there a few years back when he had a crush on him, but before he had a chance to, he and Logan got together.

He heard a branch snap behind him and turned to see Janus standing there. "So this is where you keep disappearing to." Janus sat down next to Roman who just stared at the water.

"I came here to be alone," Roman said simply, hoping Janus would take the hint and leave.

"What's going on with you? You have always wanted to be alone lately. You used to be super social, it seemed like you were allergic to being alone or something." Janus asked.

Roman sighed, looking away, "guess I thought pulling away would make it easier on everyone."

"..Make what easier?" Janus asked.

"...Me leaving," Roman replied.

"What do you mean 'leaving'? Remus hasn't mentioned you two moving,"

"We're not moving, that's not what I meant," Roman told him.

"...You don't mean..." Janus looked at Roman, really looked, not just admiring his looks, he was thin, too thin, he was wearing makeup under his eyes, most likely to cover signs that he hasn't been getting enough sleep, and his eyes were dull. "Roman, what happened to you?"

"Life." was his simple answer.

"...So you're planning on killing yourself? That's your solution? I have known you for a long time, and I know you don't give up so easily." Janus said.

"Well, I guess I'm not as strong as you think I am."

"We all care a lot about you, you know, even Remus. And you can always talk to Emile, he is going to be a therapist. Or you can talk to me, or Virgil, or Remus, maybe even Logan, though I know why you wouldn't want to talk to Patton. Or you can go to a trained therapist. Just, please, talk to someone."

"..I didn't think you cared so much," Roman said.

"Of course I care! I've liked you for like three years!" Janus quickly covered his mouth after saying that.

Roman was shocked, "Y-you have?"

Janus looked down, nodding, his face bright red, which brought out the scars on the side of his face, the ones he never liked to talk about.

"I like you too, Janus."


I am really bad at endings so I guess that's it. I just really wanted to have a Rociet one, and I mentioned Analogical too, cuz I love that ship as well.

Might do a part two if you want me to, but probably not cuz I suck at making second parts, and endings.

Written: 5-23-2020
Edited: 4-6-2021
Word count: 765
Posted: 7-15-2020

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