"Crying for attention"

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Well, I'll say one thing for this one-shot, my writing has improved in the last two months.

TW: Unsympathetic light sides, mentions of self-harm and suicidal thoughts/feelings.


"Another terrible script. Roman? You're creativity, your job is to come up with good ideas, instead, you're just useless." Logan said, ripping up Roman's first draft, he'd been a bit proud of that one.

He blinked away tears as he headed back to his room, Thomas was expecting a script by tomorrow so they could make a new video, guess he'd be working all night again.

The next day he presented the new script to Thomas, who then called in the others so they could look at it together, Roman wished he hadn't as they immediately started tearing it apart, pointing out all the things they thought were wrong with it.

Roman just hung his head, not bothering to put on a smile, it hurt so much. He just started to break down crying silently.

"And now you're crying, worthless attention seeker," Logan said.

Patton didn't even bother to try and defend him, and Virgil just scoffed mumbling, "so annoying." under his breath.

"Why are you all being so mean to Roman?" asked Thomas, "sure the script is a bit repetitive and looks a bit rushed, but it's not a bad idea! With a little re-working, it would be a great script!" Thomas defended.

"It's alright, Thomas, you don't have to lie to make me feel better, I know it's terrible and that I'm worthless and useless."

"No, you're n-" Thomas started but Roman left before he could continue, Thomas then turned to Logan angrily.


A few hours later Thomas called in Roman, "what can I help you with, Thomas?" Roman asked half-heartedly.

"I just wanted to talk to you, Roman. I already told Logan not to be as harsh on you, and I want you to come to tell me if he continues to criticize you like that."

"...It's not just him," Roman said, sitting down on the couch. "Patton and Virgil do it too, Patton just pretends to be kind and caring when we're making a video or just around you in general."

Thomas joined Roman on the couch, "I didn't know, I'm so sorry, Ro." he said.

"It's fine, I'm fine." Roman lied.

"...are you? I mean, you were crying earlier, and you called yourself "worthless and useless" that doesn't sound "fine" to me." Thomas said.

"I only said that because that's what Logan has called me," Roman said defensively.

"Usually when people are put down like that so often, they begin to believe it."

Roman didn't answer for a moment, "sometimes I think it would be better if I just died, then Remus would become full creativity and take my place..."

Thomas stared at him in shocked concern, "sides can d-die?" he asked.

Romans eyes widened and he put a hand over his mouth, "I didn't mean to say that!"

"But i-it's true? You can d-die, and w-want to?" Thomas asked tearfully.

Roman looked away, "...yes..." he whispered.

Thomas immediately hugged him, "don't, ok? Please don't... I'd be incomplete without you, I'm sure your brother would miss you too, even if you don't have the best relationship. And Janus would miss you too."

"Why would Janus miss me?" Roman asked confused.

"Because he love's you, he told me so himself," Thomas told him.

Roman was shocked. But before he could say anything, Thomas released him from the hug, a concerned expression still on his face, "you haven't..hurt yourself..have you...?" he asked, looking Roman right in the eyes, Roman looked away, and Thomas pulled up his sleeves, gasping when he saw all the recent cuts and older scars.

He hugged Roman again, "Please don't cut anymore..." he said.

"I'll try not to..."


A few weeks have passed, Roman had started to hang out with Janus and Remus more, the "light" sides were still incredibly harsh but seemed to be making an effort to be nicer.

Roman was still hurting, and hurting himself, but Janus was helping him, he did love Roman, and Roman found that he returned those feelings.

Janus and Roman ended up confessing their feelings for each other and getting together, after that Logan finally apologized for the way he treated Roman and they became friends again.

Logan and Remus ended up getting together too.

Virgil and Patton finally apologized for being terrible to Roman, and the darks.

Everyone lived happily ever after.


And I guess that's it! To think I wrote a 700-word one-shot based on only a few seconds of a "record player song" animatic.

Written: 6-19/20-2020
Word count: 779
Posted: 8-8-2020

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