Consequences Part 2/3

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Here's part two! I'm so glad you all seemed to like the first one! Last past will be out on Saturday.

TW talks about self-harm, discussion of the suicide attempt.


Virgil had just returned from playing just dance with Remus and was now trying to listen to his music, but a knock on the door made him pull his headphones back off, "what?" he called out in annoyance, the door opened to reveal Patton who was trying not to look worried. "Patton? What's wrong?" Virgil asked. Patton started to say something about a video and Roman but Virgil couldn't understand him, "slowly, from the beginning, what happened."

Patton took a deep breath, "me, Thomas, and Roman were making a video, because Thomas was upset after the wedding earlier. Everything was fine until Janus showed up-"

"Deceit?!" Virgil asked angrily.

"Yeah, anyway he revealed his name, Roman made fun of it, then Janus retaliated by comparing Roman to Remus and calling him evil, and then Roman sunk out. I went to check on him but his door was locked and he didn't answer, but I could hear him crying." Patton explained. Virgil wasn't too worried, I mean, he knew Roman was insecure about Remus and all but he'd be fine, even still, Patton was worried so he'd at least make Roman talk to him.

When they got to Romans door Virgil knocked, "open up, Princey!" he called through the closed door, then he heard a 'thump' from inside as if Roman was sitting on the floor and fell over, immediately Virgil felt anxious, he knocked louder, but no answer. There was no sound at all from inside the room, "I'm going to break down the door," he told Patton who stepped back, Virgil rammed into the door and it broke down rather easily.

"I hope Romans ok..." Patton said worryingly.
Virgil stepped into the room but at first, didn't see anything, he looked to his right and gasped. He tried to prevent Patton from seeing but it was too late, Patton screamed and fell to the floor. Virgil ran over to Roman, who lay unmoving in a pool of blood, his arms were both covered in deep cuts, Virgil couldn't tell how bad they were because of the blood. He quickly picked up Roman and sank out into the living room. Thomas was sitting on the couch, still in his suit, but he jumped to his feet when Virgil entered the room. He started to greet him but then he saw Roman, "w-what happened?!" Thomas asked.

Ignoring his question Virgil lay Roman down on the couch before turning to Thomas, who was freaking out, "I need you to summon Logan," he told him but it didn't look like he was listening, he was staring at Roman. Virgil could tell he was blaming himself for this, for some reason, but he needed to get his attention and there was no time to calm him down, so instead, he slapped him, not hard enough to hurt him, just hard enough to get his attention, "you need to summon Logan!" he told him more urgently this time, Thomas nodded, still in shock and did as told.

Logan rose, "what do you want-" he stopped abruptly, eyes wide, and looked behind Virgil, "Patton, I need you to get water, a washcloth, and a hand towel," he ordered, Virgil hadn't even noticed Patton rise. Patton ran off to grab the things Logan asked for while Logan summoned bandages and disinfectants. Once Patton returned, Logan wet the washcloth and began to clean away the blood, soon everyone could see the cuts more clearly, they were really deep, and Virgil noticed scars under the open cuts. When the blood was as cleaned away as possible, the cuts were still bleeding, Logan used the towel to stop the bleeding, which took a while, then disinfected the cuts and wrapped his arms with bandages. When he was finished he turned to look at the others, "Now, what the hell happened?!"

Thomas explained what Janus had said, and what he'd said, then Patton and Virgil explained about finding Roman. Both Patton and Thomas were blaming themselves, and while Virgil agreed that they should have stood up for Roman, he was madder at Janus. They all knew that Roman was insecure about being compared to Remus, even Thomas had an idea after their talk at the end of DWIT. Of course, none of them knew Roman was feeling like this, even though, looking back, it was so obvious. Virgil sunk out, appearing in Janus' room.

"Remus, I already told you, no more deodorant this week, I'm not going to change my mind on that," Janus said, not even looking up from the book he was reading.

"It's not Remus," Virgil said.

Janus looked up at him, shocked to see him there, "Virgil? What are you doing here?" Janus asked, genuinely surprised to see him.

"Why the hell would you compare Roman to Remus?! He tried to kill himself because of what you and Thomas said! Stay away from my family!" Virgil shouted angrily.

Janus was shocked, "H-he what?"

"You heard what I said, he almost died and it would've been all your fault!" Virgil shouted, "if you ever go near my family again, I'll kill you myself." he threatened.

Janus sat in shock, Roman almost ended his life? Because of what he'd said? And he couldn't even apologize? He had hurt the side he loved that badly and all he'd done was make fun of his name... He had to apologize, he'd wait a few days though, he didn't want to make things worse.

Virgil sunk into Remus' room.
Remus looked up when he arrived, quickly hiding something behind his back, "oh, it's you. What is it, emo? You get kicked out of the light sides?" Remus asked.

"It's Roman, he tried to kill himself..." Virgil told him.

Remus' whole demeanor seemed to change as soon as Virgil said that, from crazy, and well, Remus, to scared and concerned for his brother. "Where is he?" he asked seriously.

"Thomas' living room," Virgil replied.

Remus immediately sunk out and Virgil followed. Everyone was still gathered on the couch, watching Roman. Remus, went and sat on the floor in front of the couch, Virgil took his usual spot on the stairs, they all waited for Roman to wake up.


I guess I'm making this a 3 parter.

Written: 6-13-2020
Edited: 4-6-2021
Word count: 1,044
Posted: 7-22-2020

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