The Prince was dead

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This one is pretty dark, sorry.

TW: Cutting, blood, pretty graphic suicide.


Thomas hadn't made a video of any kind for a while, he hadn't done anything creative. He was feeling insecure and doubting his videos.
The sides popped up, as usual, to find out what was wrong. It wasn't long before they realized that Roman wasn't there. And so they sunk into the creative corner of Thomas' mind.

Roman sat on the floor, holding a knife. Quietly singing to himself: "I wanna die, wanna die..." 
The others showed up but he didn't move, everyone gasped when they saw him, his hair was a mess, he wasn't wearing his usual Prince outfit, and his arms were covered in cuts and scars. 

   "P-princey...?" Virgil asked cautiously.

   "Roman..." Thomas didn't know what to say.

Patton was crying. They all just stared at the broken Prince, not knowing what to do. They had all seen the signs that he was hurting, but they just ignored it. "You should leave," Roman said.

   "We're not leaving until you put down that knife and talk to us," Thomas said.

   "Well, then I'm sorry," Roman said before placing the knife against his wrist.

   "ROMAN, STOP!" Patton shouted, "DON'T DO THIS, WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!"

Roman scoffed, "You can stop lying, we all know no one cares about me, if you did you would've done something sooner. You knew I wasn't okay, you just chose to pretend otherwise." Roman's voice was venomous, he applied pressure to the knife, and little droplets of blood oozed up. 

The others all tried to get to Roman, but he had a barrier up. "Roman, please! We can fix this! Don't do it!" Remus called through tears. Roman ignored him pressing the knife down harder and sliding it down his arm, Patton and Thomas Looked away. Roman then slit his other wrist before shakily rising the knife up to his chest, right above his heart, "I'm sorry," was all he said before plunging the knife into his chest. Remus and Virgil screamed. The barrier was lifted and everyone ran to Roman, but it was too late, the Prince was dead.


Well, that's a thing. What is with all of these ideas today?

Written: 5-20-2020
Edited: 4-6-2021
Posted: 7-11-2020
Word count: 350

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