Lies: Roceit

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I don't really like this one but I do at the same time? Idk. Also, why do I feel the need to put a note before all of these?

TW: Lying, Suicidal ideation? I guess, unsympathetic Virgil and Patton, it wasn't my intention originally but it can be seen that way.


Everyone was hanging out in the living room, Bored.

Janus reached over and touched Patton's arm, "I didn't eat three cookies today!" he said.

Everyone looked at him, "what?" asked Virgil.

"I made him lie, thought it might be funny to see what he's lied about," said Janus.

"I told you not to do that!" Virgil said angrily.

"Now, Kiddo. It's not like it did any harm, and it might be nice to know what everyone's lied about." Patton said, wanting to be more inclusive to Janus.

"..Fine, but he's not touching me." Virgil relented.

Janus smiled and touched Logan's arm, "I don't feel anything emotionally." Logan said.

"Like that was a surprise," Janus mumbled, heading over to where Roman was.

"You're not touching me, snake!" Roman said.

"Kiddo," Patton said, somewhat glaring at Roman.

Janus cupped Romans cheek, "I'm proud of everything I create, I'm proud of myself, I love myself, everything I do is great, I'm happy, I'm okay, I'm fine, I'm not upset about missing the callback-"

"Roman.." Janus said, releasing him.

"I-I... I have to go." Roman sank out but Janus followed him to his room, "get out!" he told Janus.

"How long have you been lying like that?" Janus asked.

"I haven't been lying!" Roman insisted.

"I just revealed all your lies, and I'm Deceit, you can't lie to me, Roman," Janus told him.

Roman deflated, "...a while. No one believed me when I told them the truth, they all just thought I was being over-dramatic. Other than Virgil, but as long as I don't let it affect Thomas, he doesn't care." Roman admitted, he didn't know why he was opening up to Janus, maybe it was because He knew there was no point in lying, or maybe Janus was somehow making him tell the truth, but right now, he just wanted someone to talk to, even if it was the Lord of the lies.

"And what is the truth, Roman?" Janus asked.

Roman sighed, "everything I create is ridiculed and torn apart by Logan and Patton, I'm ignored and pushed to the side, especially during videos. I've grown to hate myself and everything I create. Sometimes I think that it would be better if I just died..." Roman said, looking down, tears starting to cascade down his face.

Janus quickly pulled Roman into a hug, "I'm so sorry they treat you like that, please don't die..." he said, starting to tear up as well.

"Why not?" Roman asked, pulling away, "No one would care if I did, Remus could easily replace me."

"I would care," Janus said softly.

"Why?" Roman asked.

"Because I care about you. I'm so sorry about what I said, about you being evil, I should never have said that, I know it's not true and I have no excuse for saying it. I never meant to hurt you. I don't expect you to forgive me, just know that it's true and that I'm here for you." Janus said truthfully.

Roman hugged him, "I forgive you, thank you for listening to me." Roman said.

Janus smiled softly, silently promising himself that he would protect Roman from now on.


Written: 6-18-2020
Word count: 555
Posted: 8-5-2020

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