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Finally a one-shot with a title!

Incredibly proud of this one for some reason.

TW: Unintentionally unsympathetic Virgil, graphic and possibly somewhat inaccurate suicide by overdose, suicide, death.


"I want to kill myself," Roman tells Virgil expecting him to try and help, but instead he just scoffs, an annoyed expression on his face.

"Stop being so dramatic, Princey," Virgil says, "Just because you're sad doesn't mean you're suicidal. That's an actual problem for people." the other sides were now tuned into their conversation.

"You say that and yet when I tell you I want to die, you tell me I'm being dramatic." Roman replies. "I guess they were right. People only listen to you when you're dead." with that Roman turns around and heads to his room, ready to finally do what he's been wanting to for so long.

Everyone else was speechless, all thinking the same thing: was Roman actually about to go kill himself?

They quickly got Thomas and explained what had transpired, together they went to Roman's room or tried to anyway, Roman must have locked the door, for they ended up outside his room, instead of in where they wanted to be.

Roman ran to his room and locked the door behind him, he couldn't do this anymore, he couldn't live anymore.

He could hear the other sides, and Thomas, banging on his door, and yelling for him to let them in and not do this but he ignored them.

He walked into his bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet behind the mirror, taking out a pill bottle.

He opened the bottle and downed all the pills, at first nothing happened, then he felt a burning like acid in his stomach, before long he was on his knees, he was shaking and sweating, he felt light-headed and his ears were ringing. He could still hear his friends at the door, but they sounded so far away. He felt so tired. At some point he had fallen so he was lying on the floor, his vision was fuzzy and black dots were floating before his eyes, another wave of exhaustion, and he let his eyes fall closed as the others finally broke through the door.

"Can't we just break down the door?" Thomas asked.

"No, one of us needs to go get Remus, he's the only other one who can open Romans door, as he too is creativity," Logan explained, he was still trying to act emotionless, even though it was clear to everyone he was just as scared and concerned as they were.

It was agreed that Virgil should be the one to get Remus, as he would have a better chance of convincing him to help.

So Virgil set out alone down the dark side corridor, he knew he had to hurry but he couldn't because he didn't want to get stuck in one of Remus' traps.

Once he got to Remus' room he knocked, but there was no response, so he headed to the dark side living room, where he found Remus and Janus playing some Zombie video game.

"Virgil?! What are you doing here?!?" Remus asked once he noticed him.

"I need you to break into Roman's room, he's trying to kill himself and we can't get to him!" Virgil informed.

Janus instantly paused the game and he and Remus led the way back to the light side corridor and Romans room.

As soon as they reached Roman's door, Remus summoned his morning star and used it to break down the door.

Everyone ran into the room and then to Roman's bathroom, Roman was un-moving on the floor, an empty pill bottle next to him.

Patton quickly knelt next to him, "Wake up, Roman!" he pleaded but he didn't as much as twitch. Logan knelt on the other side, checking for a pulse, after a few moments he looked up at the other with tear-filled eyes, he shook his head, letting them know Roman was gone.

"No. No, he can't be dead!" Janus said, taking Patton's spot, who was now sobbing into Virgil's hoodie. He started to shake Roman, "Wake up! ROMAN, PLEASE JUST WAKE UP! Don't leave me..." he sobbed into the dead side's chest.

Remus knelt next to Janus, gently pulling him away, before placing his hand on Romans chest, right over his heart, "Remus, what are you-" Logan started to ask, but Remus glared at him.

"I need to concentrate," Remus told Logan. He closed his eyes and Roman started to glow red with a tinge of green. After a moment the glow disappeared and Remus fell backward before Janus caught him.

Nothing happened for a few seconds then Roman gasped and sat up, looking around in confusion at everyone, his eyes still clouded slightly, he opened his mouth as of to say something then lunged for the toilet. Everyone looked away as he emptied the pills from his system.

Janus was the first to hug him, after handing a still weak Remus over to Logan. But soon Everyone else joined the hug as well.

After that everyone went out of their way to let Roman know they did love him, especially Janus.


And that's it, I hope you like this because it was probably my favorite one to write, I don't know why.

Written: 7-5-2020
Word count: 840
Posted: 9-15-2020

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