Do you really love me? (Roceit)

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Roceit Human AU because I need more variety and I require more Roceit in my life.

This isn't that good, but I still like it.

TW: None?


Roman and Janus have been dating for nearly a year now. They'd had their ups and downs like every other couple but it was never anything they couldn't work through. 

It was a hot summer day so they decided they would go to the beach. At first, Roman just stayed on the sand, proclaiming he didn't want to mess up his perfect hair, but Janus dragged him to the water and tossed him in.

   "Ugh! Janus!" Roman yelped spitting out the water that had gotten in his mouth.

Janus just laughed and joined his boyfriend in the water, only to get splashed by a still annoyed Roman.

They ended up having a lot of fun, though they did dunk each other a couple of times. When finally they got out of the water they lay on the sand for a while, watching the clouds fly lazily across the sky.

But eventually, they got up and started to clean up their stuff to get ready to go home. Roman said that he had to go to the restroom, leaving Janus to carry all their stuff to the car.

Roman was just leaving the restroom when a guy blocked his way, "I saw you with Janus earlier, are you his new boyfriend?" the guy asked.

   "How do you know Janus?" Roman asked back nervously, this guy was making him kinda uncomfortable. 

The guy narrowed his eyes at Roman, "we used to date, but then he met you and broke up with me." the guy said, his eyes glinting with anger.

   "Well I'm sorry about that," Roman said trying to get past him, but the guy just kept blocking him.

   "He probably doesn't even love you, I mean I can't see any reason for him to even like you. He's probably just leading you on so he can break your heart like he did mine, heard he did it to a couple of other guys before me too." the guy said, blocking yet another of Romans attempts to leave.

Roman frowned, was Janus just leading him on? Did he not love him? He bit down on his inner cheek as doubt overtook his thoughts.

   "Get away from my boyfriend!" Janus growled from behind the guy, grabbing him and pulling him away from Roman, before taking a protective stance in front of Roman. 

Janus and the guy glared at each other for a moment before the guy just turned and left. Janus then turned to Roman, his expression one of concern, "did he hurt you?" Janus asked worriedly, Roman shook his head and Janus pulled him into a quick hug, "come on, let's get out of here." Janus took Roman's hand and led him back to the car, though he continued to glance over at him out of worry at his silence.


Janus and Roman lay in bed cuddling, Roman still hadn't spoken. Roman was using Janus' chest as I pillow and playing with his shirt, he couldn't stop thinking about what Janus' ex had said earlier. "Janus?" he finally asked quietly.

A wave of relief washed over Janus when Roman finally spoke to him, "yes?" he asked back.

Roman hesitated for a couple of seconds, "do you love me?" he asked, his voice still low. 

Janus shifted and lifted Romans chin so he could look him in the eyes, "of course I love you. I love you more than anything else in the entire world." Janus told him.

Roman still wasn't sure he believed him, he hated that Janus' ex made him doubt Janus' love for him this much.

Janus could see the doubt in Roman's eyes, he leaned closer and kissed him, trying to put all of his love in that one kiss. He pulled away after a moment pulled Roman closer to him, "I love you with all my heart and that will never change."

Roman buried his face in Janus' chest, "I love you too," he said, it was a bit muffled but Janus still heard it.

They cuddled up and fell asleep.


Bit of a lazy ending, sorry about that. I hope you liked it tho!

Written: 8-23-2020
Word count: 671
Posted: 9-29-2020

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