Chapter 3

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In Chen Mo's heart, thousands of horses rushed past, and he couldn't tell.

    According to the book, Wei Zhe’s son, Wei Muyan, became a ruthless villain because he had an extremely miserable childhood.

    According to his monologue, his mother was played by Wei Zhe during college and was abandoned after pregnancy. She lost her studies and couldn't find a job, so she could only abuse him every day. When he was abused until he was five years old, his mother abandoned him. So he can only make a living by picking up rubbish. By the time he was sent to the orphanage, he had been wandering in the street for a month. Later, he was adopted, but the person who adopted him was a pervert, and the misery of it was beyond words. Then, when he was ten years old, Wei Zhe died in a car accident. Because Wei Zhe had no other children, he was taken back to the Wei family as Wei Zhe's only child.

.However, according to the God's perspective given by the author, the story of Wei Muyan's mother being played by Wei Zhe is completely nonsense. Wei Muyan was artificially conceived by his mother who stole Wei Zhe's sperm. As for how she stole Wei Zhe's sperm, this has to be said of Wei Zhe's wonderful work. At a young age, only twenty-two, I was thinking about what to do if he had his pigtails and did not leave a post for the Wei family, so he simply deposited his sperm in the sperm bank and waited for his family to be killed. Take it out and use it.

    Chen Mo looked at Wei Zhe with difficulty. The sentiment guy had predicted that he would die a long time ago, so why didn't he predict that his cheap son would become an anti-human murderer?

    All in all, it is true that Wei Zhe didn't want his cheap son. When the woman came to the door with a parent-child report, he kicked it out and paid nothing. .His ignorance of this cheap son indirectly led to this son becoming the biggest villain in the book.

    And now that he meets Wei Zhe, he doesn’t know if any hidden plot will be triggered, leading to his early death at the hands of his son. After all, Wei Muyan hates Wei Zhe’s father to the bone and blames all his misfortunes on his own. On him.

    Life is full of frights!

    "Why look at me so strangely?" Wei Zhe frowned and asked.

    Chen Mo closed his eyes and calmed down his complicated feelings: "I think your bones are peculiar, and you will have a great success in six years." No way, six years later, he has a super awesome son. It almost overturned the entire Asian financial system. Isn't it the result of life if you have a son like this?

.Wei Zhe looked at him as if he was looking at an idiot. After a long silence, he said: "Lack of sleep is prone to hallucinations. Let me order a cup of coffee for you to wake up!" He said, he really asked the bar brother again. a cup of coffee. Wei Zhe handed the coffee to Chen Mo: "Take it, no thanks."

    "You are polite," Chen Mo twitched his lips, "you spend my money."

    "Ten times to pay you back, don't be embarrassed."

    Who is so embarrassed!

    Chen Mo took the coffee and really didn't want to talk to Wei Zhe anymore. This person's skin is so thick that mosquitoes can't get in.

    Chen Mo held coffee in one hand, and dragged his suitcase in the other, and found an empty seat in the corner of the Internet cafe.

    Wei Zhe sat back in his seat, put on his headphones, and continued to play his game.

    Chen Mo glanced at Wei Zhe secretly, but quickly turned his gaze back.

.Forget it, forget it, why do you think so much! City F is so big, I won't see each other after tonight. From now on, the name "Wei Zhe" still belongs to the paper man in the book. And he, a character who wants to live a new life, for him, this book can only and must become waste paper!

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