Chapter 9

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Chen Mo felt that Wei Zhe's family had a strange fascination with him. Of course, the family here does not refer to family members in the sense of blood relationship, but refers to the servants who are responsible for Wei Zhe's daily life.

    Wei Zhe lives on Jiangbin Road in Xicheng District. The Jiangbin Road area is a well-known wealthy area, with clusters of villas and strict security, so ordinary people cannot enter.

    Chen Mo sat in the car and watched the doors of this high-end community slowly open. A group of security guards paid their attention to them, instantly feeling that he was not an ordinary person. The so-called fake Huwei is like this.

    Zhao Boyi suggested again in due course: "Don't bother about your uncle! He doesn't want you, we want you! You just stay at ease, just study hard, don't worry about anything!"

.Not only did Zhao Boyi say that, when he entered Chen Mo’s villa, the short and chubby Aunt Wang Xiumei, who had her eyes narrowed, also held Chen Mo with her hands in two hands, and said with excitement: "How come no one wants a child of Duojun." What? Don't leave, just stay! We are classmates with our young master, why are you polite?"

    Three-story red wall and yellow tiled villa, exquisite and luxurious European style decoration. He might not be able to live in a place like this for the rest of his life in this world, but now he is allowed to live at will?

    "So am I the child that your family lost in the early years?" Chen Mo followed Wei Zhe to his room and said jokingly.

    Wei Zhe lives on the third floor. The top floor of the three-story villa was uncomfortable in the heat and windy in winter, but he liked it because it had a wide view and there were no trees in front of the windows.

.The long dirty river has not yet been developed at this time, the riverside is pitch black, only the fishing boats on the river are lit up like stars into the Tianhe River.

    Wei Zhe stood at the window and looked at the river. Hearing what Chen Mo said, he turned around and asked, "Would you like to do a paternity test?"

    "Insane!" Chen Mo immediately rolled his eyes, "Are you not enough EQ? You can't tell me if you are a joke?" He said that just now, of course, is to ask Wei Zhe to give a reasonable answer to Zhao Shu Wang's enthusiasm. Unexpectedly, this guy never played cards according to reason.

    "Are you not enough EQ? You can't even tell a joke?" Wei Zhe returned Chen Mo's words to him as they were.

    Chen Moten wanted to crush him! A fool can't tell that it's a joke! The question is whether you can make a joke without using such a serious tone!

    "Do you know how serious your proposal just now is?.If you run into someone who is insecure, maybe you will actually go for a paternity test! "Chen Mo said, he felt that we must educate Wei Zhe carefully, can he not always look so serious when he speaks, after all, Yan language is also an art, and a failed art will cause obstacles to interpersonal communication.

    Wei Zhe continued to look at him: "So you are insecure?"

    "Wei Zhe!" Chen Mo almost spit out blood. This guy did it on purpose! No more, he must be beaten up, I'm sorry if I don't beat him up!

    Wei Zhe smiled. He looks so good when he smiles, with red lips and white teeth, eyes like peach blossoms, a single glance makes people think about it for a hundred years, and it is unforgettable for a thousand years. It’s just that the words in the mouth are not so gratifying: "I am teasing you! It's a joy to watch you jump!"

    "Wei Zhe, do you want to die?" Chen Mo really rushed over.

    Wei Zhe leaned by the window, wrapping his chest with both hands. .The wind blew from outside, bringing the fresh breath of river water. He smiled, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Under the curtains fluttering, it is like a young boy in the painting in the mist and rain of light gauze.

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