Chapter 5

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Wei Zhe walked into the classroom and saw Chen Mo at first sight.

    Chen Mo is the only person in the class who does not wear a school uniform. His clean white shirt was as conspicuous as a cloud in the sky and a sail in the sea. There was nothing he could do without paying attention.

    Wei Zhe stared at Chen Mo. Chen Mo met his gaze.

    Chen Mo suddenly felt that he was going to die.

    If time goes back... he must go back to last night, slap himself twice, then kick himself hard and go to the appointment.

    Wei Zhe is the only grandson of the Wei family!

    Where on earth did he have the courage to let go of his pigeons last night?

    Obviously Wei Zhe didn't expect Chen Mo to be here either. He was surprised at first, but the astonishment was fleeting. Instead, he tried to restrain the anger that didn't show up.

    Chen Mo felt this anger.

.Okay, I'm sure. He really is going to die!

    Why was Wei Zhe's son shot headshot twenty-six years later, much faster than being strangled to death by Wei Zhe now.

    Under Wei Zhe's gaze, Chen Mo slowly turned his head to the side. He propped up his elbows and covered his face with one hand.

    Wei Zhe's eyes flashed sharply: Very good, dare to pretend not to know me!

    No, Wei Zhe, you are wrong. Chen Mo just didn't dare to see you.

    Except for Chen Mo, all the members of Class 12 were shocked the moment they saw Wei Zhe.

    Grandma Li frowned and let her aside. The head teacher Liu Lanlan introduced Wei Zhe with a smile: "Classmates, this is the new classmate from our class. His name is..."

    "Wei Zhe." Wei Zhe said lightly.

    Liu Lanlan's voice stuck in her throat, and she couldn't get up or down.

.Wei Zhe was expressionless.

    "Ah ah ah ah-this is too handsome!"

    Suddenly, a few girls screamed first, and soon the classroom was boiling, and in an instant, it was all the excitement of the girls.

    "Stars! 360 degrees without blind spots!"

    "It's over, I'm dead, my heartbeat is so fast, is it a feeling of heartbeat?"

    "Are you handsomer than the one behind?"

    "You are blind! Obviously the one behind is more handsome!"

    "You're blind! What kind of virtue is the man behind? Where does the word'handsome' deserve?!"

    "Hey, just talk about things, just talk about hue and not about character, OK?"


    After the excitement, there was a lot of discussion. Unknowingly, someone in the class quarreled, vying for the more handsome Chen Mo and Wei Zhe.

.It was the two parties who turned a deaf ear to everything that happened in the classroom.

    "Papa!" Grandma Li picked up the textbook and threw angrily on the podium table.

    The classroom fell silent for a moment.

    Grandma Li gave Liu Lanlan a very displeased look.

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