Chapter 68

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Wei Zhe was really confused by this answer, and it took a long time to come back to his senses: "Parallel world? The same society?"

    Chen Mo said with an "um": "over's almost the same as here!"

    Wei Zhe stared at Chen Mo with red eyes: "No wonder..." With only these two words, he shut up.

    Chen Mo thought that Wei Zhe still wanted to say the phrase "No wonder you haven't come to me for so many years." His eyes flashed, and he firmly told Wei Zhe: "I will never go back, and I will never go back. All with you."

    Only when his words fell, Wei Zhe squeezed down again, covering Chen Mo with his lips, and kissed him fiercely again.

    The kiss is like a wave, overwhelming.

    Chen Mo was limp and almost died in this passionate kiss.

.Wei Zhe paused, pursing his mouth and panting. With his right hand, he gently touched Chen Mo's cheek. He slowly touched the back of his ear, and then followed the hot skin behind the ear and fell all the way down. His kiss followed closely, and kissed Chen Mo's neck little by little.

    Chen Mo closed his eyes and raised his head. Wei Zhe's Adam's apple was lightly bitten, and he shuddered all over.

    Can't stop, although nothing is prepared.

    Wei Zhe pulled back the last trace of reason, buried his head on Chen Mo's shoulder, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Can you?"

    Chen Mo inserted his fingers into his hair to silently tell him his answer.

    The box of desire was completely opened, the flames burned the whole room, and the temperature got hotter and hotter. Sweat is intertwined, and I can't stop breathing.

    When the love reached the heart, Chen Mo heard Wei Zhe keep saying in his ear: "I love you!".These three words are like a curse, urging the corners of his red eyes to gradually glow.

    I love you too, my heart is broken when I love you.

    After the incident, his mood fluctuated greatly in about half a day, or maybe he was really tired of being tossed by Wei Zhe, and Chen Mo fell asleep deeply.

    By the time he woke up, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and his stomach was "groaning", and he was starving.

    Wei Zhe is not around. Chen Mo sat up naked, feeling a panic in his heart. But the door to the bedroom opened immediately, and Wei Zhe walked in in gray home clothes, carrying a bag of warm food in his hand.

    Wei Zhe saw that Chen Mo had woken up, and said with a smile: "Wake up hungry, right? I bought dumplings for you."

    Chen Mo was a little embarrassed that he had only done the most intimate thing. An old face was flushed to the tip of his ears without feeling it.

.Wei Zhe walked over, put the dumplings on the bedside table, grabbed the quilt and wrapped Chen Mo into a cabbage.

    "..." Is there heating, do you think it's in the south?

    Wei Zhe opened the fast food box, broke off the disposable chopsticks, and picked up a dumpling: "Open your mouth."

    Chen Mo obediently opened his mouth.

    Wei Zhe feeds Chen Mo.

    This reminded Chen Mo of his right arm injury not long ago, and Wei Zhe fed him a meal. To him it was only not long ago, but to Wei Zhe, it was a whole eleven years!

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