Chapter 70

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Chen Mo grabbed Wei Zhe's hand and pulled hard. Wei Zhe staggered and squatted beside Chen Mo. Then Chen Mo hooked Wei Zhe's neck, shoulder to shoulder with him, and smiled and said to the shocked Wei Muyan: "This uncle is joking with you!" As he said, he gave Wei Zhe a glance and motioned to him. Explain clearly to Wei Muyan as soon as possible.

    Wei Zhe who was forced by Chen Mo: "..."

    In the end, Wei Muyan was taken to the dean's office.

    There, Chen Mo and Wei Zhe went through the adoption procedures. During the adoption procedure, the dean's eyes kept sweeping back and forth between Wei Zhe and Wei Muyan, and then he showed a meaningful smile "it is so".

    The blue veins on the back of Wei Zhe's hand were violent, and when he signed, he didn't know how much effort it took to control himself and prevent himself from turning the table up and down. .When I got out of the gate and got into the car, I saw Chen Mo refused to sit next to him but ran to the back seat and took out candy to coax the kid. Wei Zhe was so angry that he wanted to pick up the kid and throw it out the window.

    At noon they returned to their temporary residence in Beijing. Wei Muyan was young and fell asleep on the sofa after eating. At this time, Wei Zhe blocked Chen Mo at the door of the bathroom, his face stinking badly: "I have changed my mind. We can't adopt him. If you have to put him under your nose to prevent him from becoming a bad guy in the future, you can use this excuse. Don’t use it anymore. Look at that kid. Standing with me is one big and one small Russian matryoshka. I even adopted him. In the eyes of others, there is no silver and three hundred taels! No, he must be sent away. , We will find him a reliable adopter as soon as possible and let him get out of here soon!"

    "The clearer clears himself." .Chen Mo patted Wei Zhe on the shoulder, "It's good for a person to be happy in the world, why bother to care about the eyes of others?"

    "The problem is that I'm not happy!" Wei Zhe said uncomfortably, and then directly sent a wall to Chen Mo, intending to use practical actions to convince him. As a result, his mouth leaned forward, and when he was about to touch Chen Mo's lips, Chen Mo suddenly got out of his arm and walked into the bathroom: "I have a urgency."

    "..." Very good, you don't have to get out of bed tonight.

    After dinner in the evening, Chen Mo cleaned up the small bed Wei Zhe sent over in the afternoon in the living room. Chen Mo regretted his inadequate consideration.

    "I knew I should change to a bigger house first. It's too inconvenient to have one room and one living room." He said while spreading the sheets.

    Wei Zhe sat on the sofa lazily holding the remote control to search the TV channels, he was completely ignorant of Chen Mo's self-talk. .All he was thinking about was how to send Wei Muyan out, and at the same time he regretted infinitely why he had to agree to Chen Mo to adopt Wei Muyan before that.

    Wei Muyan quietly sat down on a small stool beside the sofa, five meters away from Wei Zhe. If Chen Mo hadn't told him to come over to watch TV, he would probably stay at the dining table until dawn.

    Being abandoned by Wang Xinyao caused a lot of harm to Wei Muyan. He was sensitive and timid, and protected himself with a few words, with a desire to be loved in his eyes, carefully watching others' faces and acting, lest he be thrown away again.

    Wei Muyan knew that Wei Zhe didn't like him. He didn't dare to get too close to Wei Zhe. He sat very restrained in what he thought was far away from him. He didn't dare to move.

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