Chapter 34

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Wei Zhe texting him at this time?

    Chen Mo was taken aback, his heartbeat speeded up inexplicably, and there was a sense of unexplainable tension in his heart. What will Wei Zhe tell him?

    His fingers trembled, and he pressed the center button of Nokian's phone. The text message opens, and two words and a question mark pop up on the dark blue LCD screen:

    [Asleep? 】

    that's all?

    Chen Mo was inexplicably lost, but the next second he felt that his loss was unreasonable. Wei Zhe is very good to be able to actively send text messages to him when he is insomnia. Do you still expect him to crackle and make a long list of monologues?

    Chen Mo was silent for a while, holding the phone in his right hand and started editing on the keyboard:

    [No sleep, why are you still up? 】

.But after thinking for a moment, I felt that what I was posting was nonsense. I immediately pressed the delete button and quickly deleted it. I grabbed my hair with my left hand, and re-edited with my lips.

    [Did not sleep, are you insomnia again? 】

    Still nonsense.

    Chen Mo deleted these words again. He started biting his lip:

    [Not sleeping, you are not drinking coffee, are you? It's better not to drink it. 】

    Continue to delete.

    After deleting five edited text messages in a row, Chen Mo went crazy.

    Ah ah ah ah ah--

    He is a pig, he is a pig, and he won't even reply to a two-character text message!


    Wei House.

    Wei Zhe's room.

    The windows were closed tightly, there was a violent storm outside, the rain was rushing across the glass windows, and the sound was endless, and there was darkness inside.

.Wei Zhe was lying in the darkness, with one hand on his forehead, and the other weakly lying on the bed. In the palm of his hand was the mobile phone he had just used.

    As soon as the text message was sent, he regretted it. He thought he was crazy, so he asked Chen Mo if he was asleep in the middle of the night.

    Of course Chen Mo was asleep. This guy has a wide heart and fat body, carefree.

    Wei Zhe believes that Chen Mo will not see the text message until after washing up tomorrow morning.

    So why did he send a text message to Chen Mo, and what is he expecting?

    Take a deep breath to make your chest less depressed and less uncomfortable. Wei Zhe turned over and threw the phone under the bed.

.After the message was sent, every minute and every second was extremely long, but such a long night was not as terrible as in the past, making him uneasy, inexplicably, he was hopeful, as if there was a ray of light in front of him, exerting force Reach out to the ground, you can reach it, you can hold it. Wei Zhe buried his head in the pillow, but as time passed, the text messages sent did not receive a response. He actually felt that the hard-won light had disappeared, and the disappointment surged and immediately drowned him.

    "Insane!" He scolded himself heavily. Turn over and get out of bed, ready to make coffee.

    But his hands have not met bedside lamp button, the phone suddenly rang, "Ding Dingding Ding Ding -" promise to remember the phone ringing like a unique factory Li sword pierced the darkness, his repressed emotions fierce chaos Smashed. .Wei Zhe seemed to have been woken up, and a shocking spirit rushed to pick up the phone that he had thrown on the ground, flashing blue light, and vibrating and beeping constantly.

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