Chapter 26

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"You murderer!" These six words were extremely loud. In the noisy street market, they seemed to penetrate the clouds and rush into the crowd.

    Many passers-by stopped and looked over in amazement.

    Chen Mo turned around, and he saw six well-dressed young girls.

    One of them he knew was Xu Linna, who was deceived by the original owner and then posted the original poster. Of course, as early as when Uncle Zhao took the IP address that he found to the telecommunications department for inquiries, Chen Mo already knew that Xu Linna was responsible for slandering the original owner, just as he had guessed.

    Xu Linna was surprised when she saw Chen Mo, but soon she showed resentful eyes. She pursed her mouth and glared at Chen Mo, like a wild cat with exploded hair, she might rush to take a bite at any time.

.However, Chen Mo only glanced at her in surprise, then looked away, and focused his gaze on the boy who angered Wei Zhe and called him a "murderer."

    Light blue solid color shirt, jet black V-neck vest, and a pair of stiff plaid trousers. Regardless of his appearance, just by dressing up, he felt that this young man should be a well-mannered student from a prestigious school. Looking up again, sure enough, with a face of melon seeds, a white skin, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, the word that looks like a dog is what he is talking about.

    "Wei Zhe!" The boy's eyes were cracked, and his grace was ruined. "You still have the face to stand here. Shouldn't you go to the grave to confess?"

    Wei Zhe was expressionless.

    Chen Mo glanced at Wei Zhe, inexplicably, with dull pain in his heart. He strode forward and stood in front of Wei Zhe. He said to the boy: "Classmates, if you have something to say, just scold others as'murderers' on the street. Be careful I sue you for slander!".With that said, he squinted at Xu Linna, and seeing Xu Linna staggering back, the gaze looking at him became even more hateful.

    "Chen Mo!" Wei Zhe grabbed Chen Mo by the arm, trying to pull him away.

    Chen Mo shook Wei Zhe's hand and motioned for him to step back.

    The boy took a step forward, but didn't even look at Chen Mo at all. He fixed his eyes on Wei Zhe, but said impatiently to Chen Mo, "Get out of your way!"

    Chen Mo took another step forward, simply being no more than half a meter away from him, completely blocking his vision.

    "You!" This time the boy finally turned his gaze to Chen Mo. He stalked his neck, and the veins burst on his forehead: "Who are you? What are you doing?!"

    "I am Wei Zhe's friend." Chen Mo stared at him and said word by word.

.The boy was taken aback, then looked up and down Chen Mo in disbelief, and finally snorted, "Are you a friend of Wei Zhe? Don't be kidding, people like Wei Zhe will have friends too?!"

    "Why won't Wei Zhe have friends?" Chen Mo was extremely disgusted with his disdainful tone, and he wished to punch him in the face.

    "He is a lunatic! A murderer!" said the boy.

    "Damn you are blind!" The memory in front of the barbecue stall on Monday night suddenly popped out of his mind. Chen Mo was furious, and these two sentences, what else do these people besides others say? ! He cursed, "Open your dog's eyes and take a good look! Wei Zhe can say that he can laugh, walk, and jump normally! He is crazy, he killed someone, and he burned your house? He killed your family. ?.Fighting is called a lunatic by you, and saving a person is called a murder by you. Don't talk nonsense if you don't have your own brains! No matter how damn it is, believe it or not, I will punch you to death! "Chen Mo was furious and exploded again and again.

    At this time, more and more people watched them, and before they knew it, they were already surrounded by a crowd.

    Wei Zhe picked up his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Boyi's number, "Uncle Zhao, we are at the entrance of Oriental Department Store. You can come and pick us up."

    But the guy over there suddenly laughed, pointing at Chen Mo and sarcastically: "How did he tell you? A fight? Save someone? What kind of person? Why don't I know? What a person like him Is he going to save someone? He's lying to you! This is what you call a friend! You poor worm! You treat people as friends, and they treat you as donkeys!" As he said, he pushed Chen Mo away fiercely. , Pointing at Wei Zhe angrily, "Wei Zhe!.Dare you tell this person who claims to be your friend that your mother is a lunatic, your madness is inherited from your mother, you are a murderer, and you killed your cousin! "

    "Bah!" Chen Mo hit the boy's face with a heavy fist. The glasses flew out, the bridge of the nose was interrupted, and blood spurted out. The boy couldn't stand, and the whole figure fell to the ground like a big tree broken by a hurricane.

    "Ah--" the three girls who accompanied them screamed.

    Xu Linna looked at Chen Mo in horror.

    Chen Mo stepped on the boy's chest with one foot, raging, and said dumbly: "You fucking tell me again?!"

    "Chen Mo!" Things happened so fast that Wei Zhe's cell phone was still confiscated. He flew over in two steps and pulled Chen Mo off the boy.

    "Cough cough cough cough!" .Like a huge boulder suddenly disappeared, the boy coughed violently as soon as Chen Mo's feet left.

    "Yi Yun!" The two boys standing next to the three girls seemed to have suddenly reacted to what happened at this time, and rushed forward.

    "Give me, beat them to death--" Liu Yiyun's face was covered in blood, with a twisted face, as terribly as a ghost crawling out of hell.

    When the two boys heard this, they both rushed towards Chen Mo and Wei Zhe.

    "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" The girls' screams became even harsher.

    Wei Zhe pushed Chen Mo away, turned sideways, kicked the round-faced boy in the abdomen, deceived him, and hit the little boy's chin with an uppercut.

    The two of them covered the part of the attack one after another and backed away one after another.

    Wei Zhe grabbed Chen Mo's hand and pulled him to separate the crowd: "Let let, let let!".I didn't need everything I bought on the ground, so I found a hole, got out, and ran across the street.

    Hold ten fingers together, palm against palm.

    Running all the way, ran under the overpass.

    Wei Zhe took out his cell phone and called Zhao Boyi again: "Uncle Zhao, pick us up under the overpass, I called...I called Liu Yiyun."


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