Chapter 65

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Chen Mo couldn't believe that what he experienced was just a dream. Holding hands, hugging, kissing, everything that happened with Wei Zhe is vividly visible. There seems to be Wei Zhe's warmth on his fingertips, and the smell of Wei Zhe still exists between his lips. He couldn't imagine what Wei Zhe would become after he left like this.

    Chen Mo buried his headache and cried for a long time. Suddenly, he thought of something. He raised his head suddenly, before the tears were wiped off, he slumped on the sofa to search for it. Sure enough, he saw the romantic novel called "Long Run Qian Jin" in the corner of the sofa.

    Feeling anxious, expecting, and missing, he opened this romance novel, and then he was very surprised to find that the story in the book was different from what he first saw.

    There is no such person as Chen Mo in the whole article! Even Fanwaili did not appear! .The villain killed some of Ouyang Yan's men at first. The growth process of the villain has also changed. After Wei Zhe died at the age of thirty-two, the villain was not brought back to the Wei family. Instead, with his talented head and ruthless methods, he formed a terrifying business empire on his own. Overturned the entire Asian financial market, still fell in love with the heroine and almost killed the hero. He was still wanted by five countries and died.

    Chen Mo turned the book upside down in horror and scanned it over and over again.

    So... is this the plot after he left? Because of his accidental entry, the world in the book almost collapsed, so in order to save that world, an unknown hand grabbed him and threw him back?

    No, no, the world in the book is fine, it doesn't collapse. .The earthquake, tsunami, and volcano erupted. Before he left, all the preludes to the end of the world were not played, so even if he stayed there, the world would continue to function well. What has collapsed is the story that has been written. That hand threw him out to save the plot!

    When he came back, the plot was revised, and it developed along the original track according to the situation after he left.

    Chen Mo trembling with his hands, clutching the book, staring at the section where Wei Zhe drove down the cliff, his eyes blurred again. His throat was very dry and dumb, his chest was pressed against a boulder, his heart was pierced with a sharp edge, and the pain went into his bone marrow.

    Will Wei Zhe commit suicide at the age of thirty-two?

    Chen Mo gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. Sorry mom and dad! Sorry, Qianqian! He wants to go back, he must go back!

    But... how should he go back?

    Chen Mo sat on the sofa in a daze. .Chen Qian came out of the house with a water glass. She walked to the drinking fountain opposite the sofa and took a glass of boiling water. The water is hot, she sips in small sips, and at the same time raises her eyes to look at her brother inadvertently.

    "Brother! Why are you crying?!" Chen Qian exclaimed. She put the water glass on the drinking fountain and ran towards Chen Mo with her slippers.

    Chen Qian is the biological daughter of Chen Mo's adoptive parents. Chen Mo was adopted at the age of four, and his adoptive parents became pregnant with Chen Qian a year later. There is a folk saying that if a couple cannot give birth to a child, they can adopt one first, and the adopted child will help them bring one over. Chen Mo clearly knew that his adoptive parents had adopted him for such a utilitarian purpose. .Even so, Chen Mo is happy. His adoptive parents treat him very well, including this unrelated sister who is six years younger than him, who also respects him very much.

    Chen Mo raised his hand and wiped it off his face. At some point, his face was already wet. He grabbed his sleeve again and wiped it on his face indiscriminately, and said, "It's nothing."

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