Chapter 30

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Chen Mo regretted it the moment he fell. Looking at Wei Zhe’s black face, he felt that he should stand silently at the door and couldn’t make a sound, but he blinked, and then thought that if Wei Zhe didn’t know, he would be guarded and unguarded. Any difference.

    Hey, he is indeed a fool. He couldn't think of any way to help Wei Zhe.

    Wei Zhe bent down. Chen Mo saw the tears on his face. At this moment, I felt very distressed. Sure enough! Before he could react, Wei Zhe grabbed the quilt that wrapped him with one hand and dragged him back.

    "..." Chen Mo was like a caterpillar wrapped in a vegetable leaf, lying on the ground, passively walking backward along the ground little by little.

    What is Wei Zhe going to do? This, is this stupid?

.Wei Zhe's strength is really strong, Chen Mo is 1.8 meters, 145 kilograms, and Wei Zhe is not even struggling. Before long, he dragged Chen Mo to the bedside. Then, he stepped over, leaned over, stretched out his hands and hugged Chen Molian with the beaten sideways.

    "Ehhhhhhh?" Chen Mo curled up in the quilt and widened his eyes. He didn't dare to move.

    After hugging Chen Mo to the top of the bed, Wei Zhe let go of his hands blankly.

    Just hearing a "bang", Chen Mo, the huge baby caterpillar, slammed down from mid-air heavily.

    "Wow!" Although he was wrapped in a thick quilt, Chen Mo was still shocked. He tried to take his hand out of the quilt, and looked at Wei Zhe, and said pitifully, "Big Brother...Would you like to be so cruel..."

    Wei Zhe ignored him, turned and walked over to close the door.

.As soon as the door closed, the room went dark. Human night vision cannot be activated after the light suddenly disappears, and Chen Mo's eyes are dark.

    Wei Zhe walked to the bed accurately, stretched out his hands, and rolled Chen Mo into the bed like a round log.

    There was an intimate contact between Chen Mo's face and the cold wall: "..."

    Wei Zhe went to bed, pulled his own quilt under the bed, and covered it with a "hula": "Sleep." Although it sounded aggressive, there was an inexplicable joy in his voice. Chen Mo heard it, and he understood that he was not angry. .

    Unable to secretly breathe a sigh of relief, Chen Mo twisted and layed his body flat so that he could lie down on the bed.

    Wei Zhe's bed is a two-meter by 1.5-meter bed, leaning against the wall, with a bedside table outside. The cabinet was empty, with nothing on display. Wei Zhe leaned on his side, facing the bedside table. .Chen Mo originally thought that he was still awake at night with his eyes open, but he did not expect that his breathing would start to stabilize for a while, and after waiting for ten minutes, he was already asleep.

    Chen Mo stared at the ceiling and exhaled quietly. Now he could see the things in the room, and he turned his head to look at Wei Zhe. I saw him lying in the quilt, arched, with his back facing him, and his chest fell together, sleeping extremely sweetly, as if he hadn't been so happy for a long time.

    Yes, it is happiness to be able to eat and sleep well in life.

    Chen Mo slowly got himself out of the quilt, turned over, and fell asleep.

    A good night's dream.

    It was dawn, and the window was gray. It rained heavily last night, and there were water marks on the window glass. The cold Siberian air is coming, and there is no morning sun in the sky, but the crisp bird song is still tweeting constantly, telling that a new day has come.

.A brand new day.

    Chen Mo was in a daze when he heard someone turning the doorknob, he slowly opened his eyes, and then he saw Aunt Wang opening the door and walking in.

    Wang Xiumei's right hand was still on the doorknob. She saw Chen Mo lying next to her young master. After a moment of sluggishness, her first reaction was to step back, go out and close the door.

    Chen Mo:? ? ?

    Then the door opened again. Wang Xiumei came in again. This time, she looked at Chen Mo who had woke up, and then at her young master who was still asleep, and finally determined that this was not an illusion. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened, as if she had seen a ghost, the tray in her left hand slipped to the ground, and the boiled milk and hot sandwich fell down.

    "Eh, be careful..." Chen Mo reminded him anxiously.

    Of course, it's too late.

.Just listen to "clang clang"! "Boo!" Two beeps.

    Suddenly, there was a mess under Wang Xiumei's feet.

    Chen Mo covered his face. What did he do wrong, what happened to Aunt Wang's expression of "I'm dying, my young master actually slept with someone"? It is clear that he and Wei Zhe are alone with a quilt, and the water in the well does not offend the river.

    The aluminum tray hit the ground, and the sound was quite loud.

    Wei Zhe rubbed his eyes and woke up.

    Wang Xiumei gradually put away her shocked appearance, and she felt a burst of uncontrollable joy in her heart. "Master... Master... You... Did you sleep well last night?" She looked at Wei Zhe and asked.

    I don't know if it was an illusion, Chen Mo felt as if he saw tears.

    Wei Zhe scratched his head, with sleepy eyes. This time he was woken up but he wouldn't be angry. He said weakly, "It's okay, I woke up twice last night."

.Chen Mo turned to look at Wei Zhe. Woke up twice? He didn't even know. All right! He slept too much by himself. This is how good sleep quality is. In contrast, I feel more sympathetic to Wei Zhe.

    Wang Xiumei was very excited, and said repeatedly: "It's okay, take your time. Don't worry! Insomnia is always good!" As he said this, he bent down to clean up the things on the ground. She picked up the tray and picked up the milk cup: "You get up first, I'll get the mop."

    Wang Xiumei is out.

    Chen Mo looked at Wei Zhe.

    Wei Zhe and he are still lying on the bed, each with a quilt rolled up. The temperature dropped sharply overnight, and now I feel terribly cold when I stretch out a hand.

    Wei Zhe rolled over, the quilt covered his head, still the two words from last night: "Sleep!"

    He didn't want to get up at all.

    It was Chen Mo who suddenly remembered something and sat up: "Eh!.I have said that I will go for a run with you today! "

    Wei Zhe pricked his ears.

    Chen Mo reached out to lift Wei Zhe's quilt: "Get up! Let's run together!"

    Wei Zhe clung to the quilt tightly: "When did I tell you? Don't make your own decisions!"

    Wei Zhe was stronger than him. Chen Mo estimated that he could not get Wei Zhe out even if he tore the quilt. After a while, Chen Mo had to give up. He got out of bed. Although it was too cold, he walked to the window. Chen Mo opened the window. Fresh air poured in instantly, and his nose was refreshed.

    "Ah-sneeze!" Chen Mo sneezed heavily.

    Wei Zhe sneered while lying on the bed: "Idiot!"

.Chen Mo turned around and grabbed the clothes that Wei Zhe threw on the back of the chair and put them on. He remembered another thing: "I still throw the winter clothes at my uncle's house, and I don't want to get them. You will lend me your clothes first. After running, I will go to the city to buy a few sets."

    Wei Zhe showed half of his face from the quilt, and he also remembered something. He said, "Did you forget? You are moving in today!"

    Chen Mo:...

    Move to the rental house...

    Fuck, he really forgot!

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